Supporting Each Other

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Keades pov

"hey taka talk to us man" Leon said shaking the hall monitor determinedly "we can't help you if we don't know what's going on in your head!"

Last night we lost mondo, Hiro and Kirumi. It was a hard night for both of us. Especially taka who lost mondo, the person who confessed their love to him before dieing. Right now Leon and rantaro were trying to get a depressed taka to talk.

Taka sighed "I just felt so useless back there. I tried my best to avenge mondo but in the end I had to rely on everyone else" he started to tear up "I'm so pathetic! Why am I even here!?"

"hey that's not true" Leon said firmly "seeing you so pumped up gave me the strength to keep going after losing my friend! You gave me hope taka and that definitely doesn't make you useless"

"and what's wrong with relying on your friends?" rantaro asked "there's no shame in relying on others. We're all in this together!"

Taka teared up and hugged the two boys, sobbing painfully. It sounded so raw and powerful. It was kinda hard to listen to.

I smiled at the sence. As long as we all keep working together everything should turn out alright!

My thoughts were cut off by Monokumas announcement.

"will everyone please make their way to the gymnasium for the new motive"

We all froze. Taka stood up on shaky legs and forced a smile on his face.

"Well then shall we get going?"

danganrompa: here we go again! (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now