Chapter 9

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You awoke to the sound of multiple voices and shot upright, instinctively arming yourself with a kunai.

Killua, the spiky black-haired boy, and three others had been the source of the commotion, apparently, they had just made it before the time limit expired.

You looked at Hisoka who was staring at you, amused at your outburst.

"Was I asleep the whole time?" You couldn't believe you had slept that long.

He looked back at the ground, wearing his usual closed eye expression, "yes,~" he stood up, walking past you to the door leading outside. "You should be well-rested.~"

"Hisoka," you had just noticed the gash on his shoulder, caked with dried blood, he turned to look at you, "hmm?~"

You stared at him, unable to form words before looking down.

"Nevermind." He looked at you for a second before smiling slightly and turning around, continuing to walk to the door.

And now I'm starting to worry about him, great.

You massaged the part of your head where a slight headache had formed, it's strange for me to fall asleep like that, especially when there are unknown variables around...

You glanced at Gittarackur who was heading to the door and followed along with the other examinees.


You stood in the back as the examiner for the phase congratulated us for making it out of the tower, It sure was something, I'll give you that, you glanced at Hisoka, whose gaze was focused on the examiner.

An image of Haru's face came to your mind, and a wave of grief surged through you, another person I've failed. Your thoughts were interrupted by the examiner.

"Now, I need you each to draw a card, in the order by which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?" The examiner gestured to the lot box that had been wheeled out prior to his instruction.

You pushed yourself off the wall as Hisoka drew from the box, hopefully, Kill doesn't notice me, you thought as you stuck your hand in the box to draw your own card.

You put your head down and headed back to your position on the wall. As you passed Hisoka, you felt his hand brush your arm and couldn't help but smile as the butterflies fluttered in your stomach.

He's getting harder and harder to resist, you made it back to the wall and glanced at your blank card, before gazing at Hisoka. Well, after this exam, I'll most likely never see him again anyway.

You waited until everyone had drawn their cards until finally, "now then, remove the seal from your card."

You did as you were instructed, and peeled off the seal to reveal the number underneath.

Your eyes widened.

The number that stared back at you was 99.

The examiner gave you all a mischievous look "the card indicates your target."

You gritted your teeth as many of the applicants gasped, fearfully covering their tag.

You had instinctively memorized Killua's number, not knowing that it'd be relevant. You looked over at him, seemingly unbothered by his own targets number, not making any move to cover his tag.

You couldn't help but smile in pride at his confidence. But it left as quickly as it had come, It's unlikely I'll be able to steal his tag without him discovering me, based on the incredible progress he'd been making when I last saw him. Although I may be able to convince him not to tell the family of my whereabouts. Out of all of them, he's the most likely to understand.

You listened as the examiner explained the rest of the rules, taking note of the other applicants who were leaving their tags on display, You, Killua, Hisoka, Gittarackur, the ones to watch out for.

You studied Gittarackur, there was something very wrong about him, something that made your hair stand up whenever he was near, but you just couldn't place it...

You pondered this thought as the boat that was to take everyone to the 4th phase arrived, and you boarded along with everyone else, making sure to keep away from both Killua, and Gittarackur.

You sat at the back of the ship and weren't too surprised at this point, nor were you disappointed, to see Hisoka join you.

Neither of you said anything, it was a comfortable silence, accompanied by the sound of quiet conversing among the applicants and crashes of water against the boat.

You found it odd how comforting Hisoka's presence was to you, like a soft fire that glowed at night, warm, intriguing, but dangerous, capable of going out at any moment, leaving you in darkness.


Two hours later, you finally arrived at the island.

"Now, please disembark in the order by which you cleared the third phase!" The cheery boat director announced, as the plank to cross over the water was lowered.

She then explained how between each person's departure, two minutes would pass before the next examinee was released. That makes sense, letting us all go at the same time would be chaos.

You watched as Hisoka crossed the plank over to the island, soon disappearing into the trees. I wonder who his target is.

Two minutes later, the boating director cleared you to start, and you calmly entered the forest. 

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