Chapter 14

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The first matchup went on for an agonizing amount of time. You enjoyed a good fight, but this was painful.

The little black-haired boy you had since identified as Gon was getting beaten down. His opponent, Hanzo, was not holding back.

Although you also found the fight amusing in a way, the boy's stubbornness was both stupid and admirable. You'd never met anyone quite like Gon, you could see why Killua had taken such a liking to him.

The match eventually ended in Hanzo's surrender, much to everyone's surprise, and Gon passed out from the pain.

Stay strong little one, you thought, as you walked out onto the center of the floor and watched Gon get carried to the infirmary.

"I've been looking forward to this for a while (Y/N).~"

You turned to see Hisoka smirking at you on the other side of the floor, holding a joker card in his hand.

You smiled and removed your hood, letting your (H/C) hair spill over your shoulders before arming yourself with both of your whips, "likewise Hisoka, may the strongest win."

Hisoka's smirk widened into a smile at the action, his eyes almost crazed.

The referee stood between the two of you, his hand lowered. A second passed, another, before...


Before the referee had even moved his arm you leaped forward, swinging your whip with your physical strength combined with nen.

Hisoka quickly dodged out of the way, throwing several cards in the process.

You manipulated your whips to block each one with ease, swiftly pulling out a kunai and flinging it in his direction among the chaos.

He couldn't react quite fast enough and it sailed past his cheek, leaving a small cut in its wake.

You both landed back on the ground, now on opposite sides of the room from where you began.

"Not bad, I would expect nothing less from my most precious toy.~"

You stared at Hisoka admirably, as you both circled each other. His hair was slightly ruffled from the quick exchange, giving him a disheveled appearance.

"Hope I didn't mess up your pretty face," you said teasingly, noticing the slight cut on his cheek.

"Course not love.~" You froze, love? Did he just-

Suddenly, Hisoka flew forward, appearing in front of you before landing a punch in your stomach, sending you flying backward a few feet.

Damn, you thought, gritting your teeth as you got back on your feet. Using my emotions to land a hit on me, playing dirty I see.

Hisoka stood in the same spot he hit you in, one hand on his hip, the other hanging at his side.

He smirked at you mischievously.

You looked back at him with determination showing in your eyes, taking a few steps forward before leaping towards him once again.

Illumi, still disguised as Gittarackur, watched happily from the sidelines, forming an inwardly malicious smile. Hisoka was right, he has her completely wrapped around his finger, more so than I ever did, his seduction skills are impressive.

The back and forth between you and Hisoka continued, both of you refusing to surrender to the other.

You threw another kunai at him, having retrieved the one from earlier. This time, Hisoka dodged it with ease, you knew he would, and you'd planned for it.

You flung both of your whips out in front of you, one to the left, the other to the right.

The left one wrapped around Hisoka's angle as he dodged out of the way of the kunai, right into the path of the long tendril.

You smiled and thrust the handle of the whip back towards you, sweeping Hisoka right off his feet.

But your smile was soon replaced by a look of surprise when you were suddenly pulled to the floor as well.

You snapped your head up to see Hisoka on his feet, the tendril of your whip still wrapped around his ankle.

You activated your gyo, and saw a pink line of aura leading from your chest to Hisoka's hand.

"I see you've noticed my bungee gum.~"

You stood up slowly, wincing slightly from a pain in your foot, probably just a light sprain.

"Yes, it seems we're both a bit tied up." You said, gesturing to the whip in your arm.

He chuckled before looking at the ground and closing his eyes, "but it seems you've bested me for now.~" He held up his hand, "I surrender.~"

Most of the others stared at us in shock as you just smirked, thinking back to the third phase. He saw how I controlled Haru through the glass, he's not the type to forget a piece of information as crucial as that.

Illumi watched, content, as you released Hisoka's ankle, both of you returning to your previous positions at the side of the room. Yes, make her think she's won, then tear out her heart.

A few more one on ones went by before Killua finally stepped out onto the floor, taking his place across from Gittarackur. Now, this is something I want to see, your eyes narrowed as you stared at the unsettling man, what are you hiding?

The referee raised his arms to start the match, "Begin!"

Killua leaned forward slightly and cautiously began to walk towards Gittarackur.

He didn't move, just stared at Killua as he slowly advanced towards him.

A few seconds went by.

"It's been a while, Kill." The man's voice stopped Killua in his tracks.

Gittarackur reached up, and took one of the many pins covering his face, out of his head, slowly removing all of them one by one, until his face was clear.

Then he began to change.

The skin on his face started to move like boiling water, and his blue mohawk began to grow and darken. The thin shape of his face narrowed at the bottom, and his now jet black hair flew above his head.

Your eyes widened, and your heart stopped, It-It can't be.

His hair fell down his back, and his black eyes focused on the boy in front of him.

You stared in horror, as Illumi Zoldyck appeared before your eyes.



Disclaimer: I love Hisoka and Illumi both, sorry I had to make our other boy the villain :(


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