Chapter 10

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As soon as you had gotten a couple of hundred feet away from the exam area you jumped into the trees, quickly traversing the branches as you got deeper into the forest. It's hard to say where Killua will go, but it will probably be somewhere secluded.

You eventually stopped when you reached a clearing, I'll sit here, for now, just to get some tabs on the others. You settled in on one of the branches, managing to get at least semi-comfortable. A whole week on this island huh, a lot can happen in a week...


A few hours later, you had been fiddling with one of your kunai, still perched in your tree, when a figure walked into the clearing.

You immediately shot up, a hand resting on one of your whips. It was dark out, but the clearing was bathed in moonlight, making it especially easy to see the bright hair of Hisoka as he settled against a nearby tree, red butterflies fluttering around him.

You relaxed slightly, there was something about the scene in front of you that was both surreal and heartwarming, Hisoka shining in the moonlight, watching as butterflies flew around his body.

After a few moments, a sudden feeling of joy began to sweep through you as you watched him, and the whole world fell away. It was only Hisoka, he was warmth, comfort, a beacon in the night.

You found yourself wishing for nothing more than to be there with him, to feels his arms around you, his heartbeat in sync with yours-

"I know you're there (Y/N), why don't you join me?~"

You were torn out of your trance, but couldn't help but smile at his words.

Dropping from the branch, you walked towards the clearing, closing your eyes blissfully as the moonlight washed over your figure.

You raised your arms and slowly lowered your hood, looking up at the stars.

You gazed up at them for a few moments before speaking softly, almost to yourself, "I used to go stargazing with Killua," you smiled, thinking of his wide blue eyes as he looked at the sky with wonder. "It's one of my fondest memories from that place, I never felt so free."

You glanced over at Hisoka to see him with his right arm perched on his knee, his hand in his hair, looking at you with an expression you hadn't seen before. His eyes were soft, and his mouth was relaxed in an almost lazy manner, one side only slightly turned up to form a thoughtful smile.

You felt another surge of joy flow through you as you looked at him and you turned your gaze back to the stars. This feeling, you thought, as you gazed at the sky, It's different than how it was before.

You thought back to you and Illumi's good moments, when you had woken up in his arms, or when he first placed a soft kiss on your lips. You thought you were happy, but looking at it now, there was always something missing.

Like the fact that Illumi never truly smiled. That he would never hold your gaze for more than a few seconds, that he only spent time with you at night, that... a tear slipped down your cheek, ...he never said 'I love you.'

Strong arms suddenly wrapped around your body, pulling you close. "He doesn't deserve your tears (Y/N).~" At Hisoka's words, a few more tears spilled down your cheeks.

"He broke me," you said softly, your eyes were focused on the stars, but your hands were clutching tightly onto Hisoka.

You both stood there for a moment, before Hisoka placed his lips next to your ear, "have you ever considered that maybe it wasn't your fault? That Illumi is the one to blame?~"

You froze at his words, It had crossed my mind... when I talked to Haru, but- you recalled the emptiness that had filled you when you directed your anger towards Illumi, but wouldn't my anger towards him flourish? If not, then it must have been my fault, there must have been something I could have done.

"No," a tear slipped down your cheek, "I just failed."

Hisoka wiped the tear from your cheek before smirking, and he suddenly picked you up, causing you to let out a little yelp, earning a chuckle from him as he set you on the ground. He lay down immediately after and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his body.

"Sleep (Y/N),~" he said as he traced your body with his finger, starting from your thigh and tracing up your side until he reached your neck, brushing your cheek with the pad of his thumb.

You snuggled into his chest, basking in his warmth because for the first time in a while, you finally felt safe.

You soon drifted off to the comforting motion of Hisoka's hand stroking your hair.

He stopped caressing your head when he felt the gentle rise and fall of your chest, signaling that you had fallen asleep.

It was then, watching your sleeping figure, bathed in moonlight, that Hisoka came to a realization. I've lost the urge to kill her.~

The urge to kill, to break, that he felt with every person he deemed worthy, previously there, had vanished. Well this is sure to complicate things,~ he thought about his promise with Illumi as he stared at you, I doubt I'll be able to bring myself to hurt her.~ He caressed your cheek, This toy has become too dear to me to give away.~

He smiled and held you into the night, thinking of the blood that would soon be spilled. 


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