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Callum snuck out of his room late that night. He avoided patrolled hallways as he made his way to the dungeon. In the dungeon, there was a secret room. Few knew of its existence. The guards wouldn't go here. He walked into the room and sat down by the wall to wait for Yalaxy. How he was going to find him here was beyond him.

Just then, the door opened behind him and the familiar head of pale white hair walked in. "How'd you find me?" Callum asked out of curiosity.

"It was easy," Yalaxy said, "I could smell you." "Ghouls have a way better sense of smell. Our noses are better than the best tracking dogs in the world." Callum experimented with this new knowledge. He sniffed the air. He found that he could smell Ezran in his bedroom from all the way down here. He also noticed Yalaxy's scent. It was bland, yet foreboding. "Now that that's out of the way, it is time to begin. On you feet, we are going to spar." Callum got up and got ready to fight. Yalaxy rushed him and swung for his head. Callum dodged it. He was surprised at his heighted speed, but he slipped on the landing and Yalaxy kneed him in the stomach. This put him on the ground coughing up blood. "Get up," Yalaxy said. Callum got up. He expected it to hurt, but his body had already healed. Yalaxy attacked again. "Every fight for a ghoul is a fight for your life. So fight like it. We heal fast, so don't fear injury. Yalaxy jumped into a spin and kicked him in the side of the head. Callum flew into the wall and he hear a crack in his arm. His arm was broken, but, as Yalaxy said, it healed in a matter of seconds. He got up again. After what felt like hours of Yalaxy beating the crap out him, they stopped. If one were to look at Callum and Yalaxy, there wouldn't be any evidence of a fight due to their healing abilities other than their fatigue. Callum was out of breath, but Yalaxy looked like he hadn't event begun sweating.

"What was the point of that?" Callum said.

"It was to toughen you up. As a ghoul, you heal fast, but the pain is still there. You are going to have to get used to that. I was also able to get a good look at your combat skills. You seem to be good with speed and evasion. As far as dealing damage and taking hits, you are subpar in those areas. We have work to do. That reminds me, take these," Yalaxy handed him more packages. "Hide these somewhere, they're food. Make sure you eat them. It will replenish your energy and get rid of your hunger." Callum took the packages. This was going to be painful, but the end goal was worth it. He had to do this


1 year later

Callum had been training in the same spot for a year with Yalaxy, and results were showing. Callum was able to hold his own in a fight with Yalaxy. Yalaxy still won the spars though. He was a lot more crafty than Callum. That was for sure. He had gotten stronger and broken bones didn't faze him as much as they used too. He was also better at landing hits of his own. He had broken of few of Yalaxy's bones in their spars. He taught him how to use a dagger and sword as well. He learned a lot better from him than Soren. Yalaxy had told him that the body wanted to prevent itself from being hurt, so if Yalaxy hurt him during training, then he would lean faster. It was painful, but the results spoke for themselves. The match that had just ended had lasted about an hour. "I think it's time to learn how to use your kagune," Yalaxy said. He fished food out of his jacket which had been left by the wall. "Eat," he said. Callum took it and ate it. It didn't make him as  nauseous as before. He felt reenergized after he ate it. He looked up and saw four black tentacles coming out of Yalaxy's lower back. "Well, are you going to bring yours out?"

"How do I do that?" Callum asked sheepishly. Yalaxy snorted as he moved to stand behind Callum. He pulled up his shirt and examined his back. He put his finger on his lower back.

"This is where it should be, focus on a appendage in your lower back. It is part of your body now. You can move it as you would an arm or a leg," Yalaxy said. Callum concentrated. He felt something there. Taking Yalaxy's advice, he willed it to move. He sprouted from his back. Four dark blue tentacles came out of his lower back. They wrapped around him so Callum could look at them. It looked like something out of a book. It was real though, and it moved on command just like any other part of his body.  Yalaxy made him perform a bunch of things with it. He used it to pick up blocks, put a big puzzle together, and he even uncorked a wine bottle. He shattered two of them, but he got the third. Yalaxy then had him fight with it. True to his word, the kagune was lacking in defense. Yalaxy made sizable dents a tears wherever he hit Callum's kagune. However, the offensive capabilities were amazing. Callum went to impale Yalaxy, but he dodged it and Callum put a very big hole in a solid concert wall. "It's obvious we need time for you to get used to fighting like this. When we are done, you will be more powerful than you could have ever imagined.  

For 3 more years, Yalaxy trained Callum. He taught him how to fight with and make weapons out of his kagune. He also taught him how to think and outsmart his opponents. For three long years Callum worked hard to get stronger. After he was done though, the results showed. 

"I think you're ready," Yalaxy said as he helped Callum up. they both walked out of the dungeon. Yalaxy had joined Callum in the castle as the new librarian's assistant. He lived there in a small room. the guards greeted them in the corridors. "Good evening Prince Callum and Archivist Assistant Yalaxy. King Ezran has asked to see both of you," the guard said. The two walked towards the throne room. Callum was 19 now and Yalaxy had told him that he was 20. Ezran was now 14 and he was growing up to be quite the monarch. He had already worked out a peace treaty between Katolis, Duren, and Xadia. The other nations of the pentarchy were still uneasy, but they agreed to a cease fire. However, a group of dark mages and soldiers had risen up. They were calling themselves the gilded hand.  They opposed the peace to Xadia, and often went to violent ends to get people to join their side or take things they wanted. They had been labeled as a terrorist organization by the pentarchy and Xadia.

"Your majesty, you asked for us?" Yalaxy said as he bowed.

"Please, I don't know why you insist on being so formal," Ezran said. "Your like family now." Yalaxy had been the archivist's assistant for 4 years now. Over the course of that time, he had helped Callum and Ezran with various projects and documents. Out of training, Yalaxy was a pretty nice guy.

"Sorry, force of habit," Yalaxy said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "What did you want to see us about though?" he asked. 

"It's the other nations of the pentarchy, they are agreeing to meet with Me, Queen Aanya, Queen Zubeia, and some of the leaders of the elves.

"Finally, we have a chance at real peace instead of always being on edge," Callum commented.

"I agree, such a moment has never happened before. I hope this works out," Yalaxy said. 

"Thank you. Anyway I have called you here to tell you that both of you are accompanying me to the meeting," Ezran said.

"Wait, I am not protesting, but is there a reason I am going?" Yalaxy asked. 

"Yes, you are going to take notes on what happens and record them in the archives. Our usual guy is sick," Ezran replied.

"Okay then, when will we leave?" Callum asked. The guards suddenly walked in.

"Tomorrow actually," Ezran responded. "Here is a list of all of the people who are attending. Let me know if your name isn't on there." the guards and the two walked up to the board. Callum scanned over it and found both his and Yalaxy's names. A name further down the list made his heart stop. It was there, written in black ink on white parchment. Rayla Callum didn't know how to feel about it. He was going to see her again, after 4 years. He still loved her. It was the main reason why he had done what he had done. He wanted to get stronger so that he could finally be the one that could protect her instead of always putting her in danger. He was still nervous about meeting her again though. Yalaxy noticed this and smirked. 

"You really are an intriguing person," he said when they had made their way into an empty corridor. "For four years you have not seen her, and yet, you still care for her. I suppose the heart wants what it wants."

"How'd you know?" Callum asked. 

"Oh please, you do a very poor job at hiding it," Yalaxy responded. "Anyways, when you see her again, make sure to be patient. Hear her out and let her say what she has to say. It may sound hard to do after such a long time, but it is the best thing that you can do." Yalaxy patted him on the shoulder as he walked away. Callum was still in shock. He was finally going to see Rayla again and she was alive. 

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