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A/N sorry it took so long to update. School has been giving me a lot of work lately. 

The army was lined up in position to defend Katolis. The rumbling of the invading force was getting even closer. Yalaxy, Callum, Rayla, and Lujanne stood behind the main army. Viren's forces began to rise over the hill about a good 600 feet away. they were finally able to see the invading army. There were about 200 dark mages along with around 800 soldiers. Among them, dark magic monsters and worst of all, giant summoned behemoths. They ranged from dogs, to animals that didn't look like anything in Xadia or the human kingdoms. All of them looked dangerous though. The defending force was made up of about 700 soldiers and 400 archers. There were also 200 people manning the ballista's and other war machines. They had the advantage in numbers, but the enemy had mages and those monsters with them. But, Callum and Yalaxy were kakujas and that leveled it out kind of.

"This is it Callum. Do you have any regrets about becoming a ghoul?" Yalaxy asked him.

"No actually. I was able to save someone from their own self hatred, free imprisoned elves, and gain the power to actually protect the people I care about from threats like this. Even with its very large downsides, I don't have any regrets," Callum said. Yalaxy smiled despite himself.

"Good. Keep watch for Aaravos. He undoubtedly has a plan," Yalaxy said. Callum nodded. Viren's army came to a stand still and they waited for what Callum assumed was the go ahead. It came and the army charged. The Katolis army lowered their shields and spears in the front. They he;d in place as they waited. Just then, the siege engines fired. They launched flaming bolts and rocks towards the advancing army. They were about to hit but the monsters stepped in and batted them away. Yalaxy herd the command given to reload and fire again. It wasn't going to work until those giant creatures were destroyed. He looked and Callum and nodded his head. Callum understood. They both brought out their kakujas and started running at full speed. They jumped clear over the entire Katolis army and began running across the space in between the two armies. The soldiers tried to intercept them, but they were two fast. The mages tried in vain to slow them down. Yalaxy and Callum jumped over the front line to deal with the first monster it fell quickly after they realized it was very slow compared to them. It's armor didn't hold against their tentacles.


Callum and Yalaxy had rushed off. Rayla didn't know why they had done that. The plan was for them to stay back and assist after the fight had begun. However, she found out what they were after. They jumped and attacked the behemoths. She heard one of the commanders yell to hold on firing. The first one fell quickly and they spilt up to deal with the others. Their were 12, now 11, of those gargantuan creatures. The command to fire was given and the bolts flew from the ballista. They were aimed at the monsters. A few of them were swatted away, but others hit their marks. The two that Callum and Yalaxy had engaged fell as they were distracted at the moment. Two others were also too slow to block the attack. Only seven of them remained. The catapults fired now. With the monstrosities gone, they finally did damage to the enemy forces. The mages protected a lot of soldiers, but the others weren't strong enough and the soldiers and mages were crushed. The gilded hand charged into the Katolin army's defensive line. Or so they thought. Lujanne had actually conjured a fake army infront of the gilded hand. It was now that the really army came in from the left. Forces from Duren also came in from the right. The plan had worked. The gilded hand was now caught between the two armies, the siege division, the archers, and the two kakujas who had just finished off the last monster. Lujanne was spent as she sat down out of breath.

"My my, I don't think I've ever created an illusion that large before," she said as Rayla gave her a flask of moonberry juice.

"It was a great trick and it worked. Now it's up to them to handle the rest. The two armies squeezed in from the sides and the gilded hand was caught completely off guard. The siege division fired at the middle of the now trapped army. It split them in two as the Katolis and Duren armies made mincemeat out of the disoriented troops. Yalaxy and Callum dealt with stragglers trying to retreat and the archers took care of halting their advance. Something was still bugging Rayla. This was all strangely familiar.

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