New Beginnings

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A/N-sorry again. I've been busy lately and I couldn't get around to writing this.

"Lady Rayla," one of the servants bowed as she walked past them in the hallway. She tried not to grimace. Callum had given her that title in the time she stayed with him at the castle. It felt weird to her even then. She nodded top the servant as he continued on his way. 

"Hey Rayla," Callum said from around the corner. "Ah there you are. I've been looking for you, if tracking your scent can be called looking," he said. "Can we talk?" Rayla nodded as she followed him. Callum led her to one of the gardens inside the castle. Nobody was there except them.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" she asked him.

"I actually wanted to ask what you're going to do now. I spoke with your parents. They're going back to Silvergrove in the morning. Runaan looked happy, which doesn't fit his face for some odd reason," he said. She laughed at that last part.

"You have to know him for awhile to get used to him smiling," Rayla said. "But, what do you mean what am i going to do?"

"Are you going with them?" he asked. The question was simply enough, but she had a hard time coming up with an answer. She wanted to go with her parents back home to Silvergrove, but she was no longer welcome there. The council couldn't ghost her, but they had revoked her resident status, which means she wasn't considered to live there and didn't have a key anymore. She could get in using one of her parents keys, but it wouldn't exactly be a good idea in her opinion. The council had been quick to get things in order for her parents return, as Ethari described in his letter. Everything was as they left it apparently. "I know that look Rayla. What's wrong?" Callum asked with genuine concern.

"I want to go, I just don't think I should. The council made it very clear that they don't want me there," she said looking down.

"But you can still go there right? The dragon queen pardoned you," Callum said. He was confused.

"She did, but the council revoked my resident status since I hadn't been there in years. I don't have a key at all anymore. I suppose I could use one of my parent's keys but that wouldn't change how they feel back home," it hurt calling Silvergorve her home now. How could a place where you weren't welcome be your home?

"Why can't they see that you didn't kill Ez because you were saving the egg of the dragon prince? What don't they understand about that? You're one of the main reasons why the would is as peaceful as it is now," Callum said. He was irritated now. "I just wished they would be a bit more understanding."

"Callum, Moonshadow elves are a lot of things. Understanding isn't generally one of them," Rayla said.

"Even if it is a human thing, people who can't see reason don't have excuses," Callum said, "you deserve to call Silvergrove your home if that's what you want."

"No, I don't. I abandoned the miss-," Rayla started but Callum cut her off.

"Yes, you abandoned the mission the kill Ezran and now we are in the longest period of peace we've had in 1,000 years. People should be celebrating that. And yes, you do deserve that. I thought we were past this. I look at you and see this totally amazing person, but it hurts when I see that you don't see that in yourself. Why?" Callum asked. Rayla didn't know how to respond. She didn't fully understand it herself either. All she new is, Callum dug up something she was trying hard to forget. 

"I don't know," she choked out, "You know, Moonshadow elves aren't open with their feelings even to the people they love. I'm trying, but I've never seen a person be open until I met you. You aren't scared to show others how you feel. And somehow, you can tell what others are feeling as well and you try to help them. Sorry, but that's weird for me," Rayla said. Callum hugged her.

"It's okay to keep somethings locked up, but not something like this," Callum said, "I'll be here for as long as it takes for you to talk about it and I'll be here for anything else that you need to say. I'm here for you."Rayla wanted nothing more that to tell Callum what she felt, but it was hard. And that wasn't even including finding the words to describe those feelings either. But she would, and he promised to be there when she did.

"I love you Cal, and I want to stay here with you if you want me to," she said.

"Rayla of course you can stay here," Callum said.

"Okay. And I won't leave you like I did last time. I thought I would be protecting you, but all I did was hurt us both. You actually ended up saving me and my parents. I never thanked you for that," Rayla said.

"You don't have to thank me. It's okay to rely on others. It just means that you're a good enough person to the point where they're willing to help you. It also means you're strong enough to trust someone else with what's important to you," Callum said. She maybe wasn't able to open up completely just yet, but she was getting there. It would take time for sure, but he would wait for as long as it took. Rayla was worth that much and more to him.

"Thank you for being honest. The smell of a lying person is a horrible stench," he said.

"I didn't know ghouls could smell that on a person, but you're welcome. I promise I won't hurt you like that again. You're the last person in the world who should get to go through that," Rayla said.

"Did I mention how amazing you are yet?" Callum asked. He kissed her. Through it, he tried to convey that he forgave her for what she did, and that he was always here for her. Rayla's arms wrapped around his neck and his hands found their way to her waist. He could ahve stayed like this for longer except a certain King and his pet toad interrupted them, again.

"Urrup," Bait said.

"I know, they should get a room," Ezran responded as Yalaxy followed him from behind. It took every ounce of courage he had to say what the was going to say next.

"You know, my room does have a larger bed now," Callum said. This led to a very red faced Rayla, an embarrassed Ezran and a very proud Yalaxy.

"Damn, bold Callum is awesome," Yalaxy said.

"Language!" Rayla and Callum both shouted at him.

"Calm down. I already know more curse words than damn," Ezran said.

"Nope, nope, you are still a child to me Ezran and you must maintain your innocence," Callum said. Ezran rolled his eyes at this. The whole group laughed. Callum smiled. This was the start of a new part of his life. And as far as he saw it, it was starting off on the right foot.

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