Help is on the Way

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Callum had been careful to not break any bones during their fight. They only thing that seemed to be damaged were the two men's pride. They both looked down in defeat after he had moped the floor with them.

"If you three are done with your shenanigans, will you come over here. We have to leave this place," Tiadrin said.

"Alright were coming. I honestly didn't expect to lose to you Callum. You're stronger than you look. And you beat us without magic," Lain said.

"I'm still not sold on you, but you passed our test, so I have no choice but to move along," Runaan sighed.

"Thanks, It means a lot to me that you can except the fact that he is a human," Rayla said. "I always imagined introductions going more poorly than this."

"It was never about him being human, it was more about us coming back after so many years to find our daughter with a boyfriend," Lain said. "We have a lot of catching up to do."

"I am sorry to interrupt, but we have to leave for Katolis now," Callum said. "The dilded hand is moving all of their forces to attack.

"Who are the gilded hand?" Runaan asked.

"They are a group of rebel humans and dark mages who didn't want the human kingdoms to make peace with Xadia. They've been a thorn in everyone's side for awhile now. Their leaders is, from what I could gather. Are Viren, the former high mage of Katolis, and Aaravos, the star touch elf archmage that was held prisoner by the dragon king," Callum said.

Tiadrin and Lain paled at this news. They had fought Viren and they knew about Aaravos. They were assigned to guard his mirror on occasion. The dark mage must have gotten him free somehow.

"They are moving to attack Katolis," Callum said.

"Why would they direct all of their forces on one target? It hardly seems like the kind of thing a group of dark mages and rebels would do," Runaan said. He was very skeptical of this whole situation.

"It's not so much conquering the kingdom as it is eliminating their tow greatest threats. Those being me, and Yalaxy, the archivist assistant of Katolis," Callum said.

"Why do you two pose such a threat to them? Forgive me, but you are only two people," Tiadrin spoke.

"Its a complicated story. You see, I am not a human. I am a ghoul," Callum said. He looked down. He feared that they would attack him or tell him to stay away from Rayla. He expected her to not go along with it. That's the kind of person she was, but the words would still hurt. And he didn't want to drive a wedge between them.

"I'm sorry, but what is a ghoul. Is that something that happened while we were gone," Lain asked.

"No," Runaan spoke, "It has to do with something that happened long before we were even alive. Ghouls used to live up here in the north. They hunted humans and elves to eat them as they could not derive sustenance from anything else. The dragon king tolerated their existence because they were a means of population control. At that time, famine was a common occurrence. The ghouls lived in relative peace with us. They dealt with the more unruly of their kind and only took what they needed. However, Aaravos, for whatever reason, killed all of the ghouls using a star spell he invented. They only one that it didn't kill was a half kakuja," Runaan stated.

"That ghoul was Yalaxy's father. He used magic to place his son in stasis and he awoke much later to find me. He offered to turn me into one. I accepted it because, I needed to get stronger. Viren was a threat even back then," Callum stated. He looked a Rayla with a look of I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but I understand why you left. That is what he tried to convey anyway.

"Wait, if he is what you say he is Runaan, then why hasn't he eaten us?" Lain asked him.

"I don't kill needlessly. I only kill to eat and I'm not hungry right now. You also mean a lot to Rayla. I would never hurt you or her like that," Callum stated. 

"I trust him," Runaan said. This surprised everyone involved. "Warriors honor, If Callum really intended to harm us or was a violent person, me and Lain would have had more injured than just our pride," he said. "I can tell you try to be the best person that you can be. Rayla, whether she wants to admit it or not, is a good judge of character."

"Thanks Runaan. It means a lot that you can except him," Rayla said.

"It isn't as hard as excepting a human to be honest. I've fought humans, but I've never fought a ghoul before today. As far a first impressions go, this wasn't half bad," He said. "I also should apologize for killing King Harrow. I think all I did was add more fuel to an already raging fire. I should have listened to you when you told me to call of the mission. It seems bringing the egg back resulted in peace," Runaan said. This was also a major surprise.

"Thank you. I know it's not easy for Moonshadow elves to show emotion or admit that they are wrong, but thank you. You should know that I forgave you a long time ago. Me and Ezran could have continued that cycle of violence, but when choose to end it. And part of that was forgiving you guys for what happened," Callum said.

"He's wise for his age," Tiadrin said.

"Now then, we need to go. Katolis needs help," Callum said. Just then they all heard a roar outside the cave. It would have been scary, but this was familiar. Callum ran outside with the others. Pyrrah, Zym and another dragon were landing next to them. Zym ran up to them. He was about two times larger than a horse now. "Hey, Zym it's good to see you too." Zym licked Callum's face.

Tiadrin and Lain bowed knowing who it was. "Your highness," they both said. Runaan bowed with them. Zym ahd something between his teeth. It was a note. Callum took it and opened it. It was from Yalaxy.

Dear Callum,

I had Ezran contact Zym to get you a ride home. The gilded hand is planning an attack and I need your help. Now hurry up and get your ass home.


Callum laughed. Yalaxy was always short and to the point. He decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and climbed on Pyrrah. The others got on the dragons as well. This would cut the time it took to get back from 3 weeks into 1 day. 

"Don't worry guys. Help is on the way," Callum thought. The dragons took off a sped toward Katolis. Hopefully they wouldn't be too late. 

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