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Callum and Rayla were just outside of the area that they had been told the would find the dark mages. The place looked unassuming. there weren't any guards around that they could hear or see. There were also no buildings. It was strange. Callum said that he could smell the traces of dark magic, which meant their intel was good. But, regardless, finding the actual entrance was a chore. 

"Where do you think it could be?" Callum asked Rayla.

"I don't know, there should be traces of something if they are here, but there is nothing," she responded. They continued to walk until they came across a lower part of the rocks that was just over the edge of where they were standing. They saw two people come out of the door. Callum and Rayla quickly crouched down to avoid being seen. 

"Is that everyone?" one of them asked.

"Yeah, Viren made sure that everyone was moving for the attack on Katolis. Time to blow up the evidence." he finished. Rayla acted quickly and jumped down. She two men by surprise and quickly incapacitated them. Callum slid down after her and stabbed the two with his kagune. Rayla looked at him in shock.

"Why'd you kill them?!" she yelled at him.

"If they had gotten away or knew where we were, it would take away our advantage of surprise," he said. "I never said I wanted to. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Callum said looking down. 

"It's fine," Rayla said. His point did make sense to her, but Callum killing someone was still something she couldn't wrap her head around. She didn't remember him being a killer before she left, but when she came back, her he was. It wasn't entirely his fault though. He was a ghoul. They walked into the base and explored the halls. True to the guards words, the place contained nobody other than them. Callum confirmed this when he said he didn't smell anyone. They searched through all of the rooms. They were hoping to find anything really. Callum found a shadow hawk arrow and used it to warn Ezran about the incoming army. They continued their search until Callum happened upon a sack in the corner of a hallway. It didn't look like much, but Callum had learned to always check and make sure first. He opened it and took one of the coins inside out. It looked like a normal coin until he got a closer look. There was a person inside it. Not just any person though. He recognized this woman. It was Rayla's mother. He continued to look in the sack for more of the coins. He found 2 others that contained people. He found Rayla's father and Runaan. The others were empty. He suspected they were for future prisoners. This was great. Finally, Rayla had the chance to be with her family again. He decided to unseal them now and surprise her. He also wanted to see if he could before he got her hopes up. He went into the nearest room and placed the three coins on the floor. He then bit his hand to draw blood. He circled each coin with his blood and then made a line from each to his body. Yalaxy, had taught him how to do this. It was a type of magic that only ghouls could do. It was called hemomancy or blood magic. This was the unsealing spell he had taught him. He began chanting and the blood glowed. It wasn't long before the coins levitated up and exploded into smoke. Any onlooker would have been worried, but Callum knew this was part of it. He heard three people breathing and coughing.

"What happened? Where are we?" a male voice asked. He didn't recognize it as Runaan's. It must have been Rayla's father. The smoke cleared and they saw him.

"You we trapped inside of coin prisons by a dark mage. I freed you," Callum responded.

"How do we not know you are lying human?" Callum flinched and was about to correct him when another person walked into the room.

"Hey Callum, I heard an explosion. Are you alri-," she stopped dead in her tracks. Was this a hallucination? It couldn't be her mom and dad standing before her.

Callum x Rayla-DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now