Parting Ways

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Callum woke up in Rayla's hospital room on her bed. He expected her to be gone but he soon found that she had stayed right next to him. She stirred once Callum had sat up. "Good mornin," she said groggily. He smiled as he kissed her forehead. How he had gone 4 years without her was beyond him. 

"You're leg feel better?" he asked her. Rayla tried to move her leg and found that she could move it with relative ease. It still was sore but it felt a lot better.

"Yeah, actually. What was in that potion you gave me?" Rayla asked him.

He scratched the back of his head. "It was a few herbs mixed with my um- my blood," he finished.

"So you had me drink your blood? I thought we were past this," she joked remembering the time he thought her moonberry juice was blood. 

"It's actually a lot more complicated. Normally, my blood is just my blood, but the herbs unlock the regenerative powers and all them to temporarily be used by someone else. After that, the cells die," he explained. "So, what are you going to do now?" he asked her. She knew this question was coming.

"I'm leaving. I have to find him before he hurts anyone else," Rayla said. "And I need to find out what happened to my parents." Callum wasn't surprised.

"Well, then I'm going with you," he responded in a way that left no room for argument.

"I know I can't stop you, but please Callum, I don't want to put you in danger," Rayla said.

"You're not putting me in danger, I'm the one who wants to go and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, now that I know I have the power to do something," he said. "I heard what the leaders said about me and Yalaxy. They said we were 2 of the most powerful beings in the world and that we could do whatever we want. Well, I want to be by your side. I want to help you do whatever it is you need to do," Callum said. Rayla was happy at what he said.

"Fine, you can come along, but what about Ezran and Yalaxy?" Rayla asked.

"I am going to talk with them right now actually," he got up and put on his jacket. "Remember, if you try to leave without me, I'll catch up and remind you that you don't have to be alone anymore."

"It's okay, I'm not making the same mistake twice," she said. Rayla wasn't going to leave again. It was funny, she had been adamant about Callum not coming along the first time, but he had found her and told her what she needed to hear. She was grateful for him.

Callum left to go find Yalaxy and Ezran. Along the way, guards noticed him but they didn't question him. He found them in the room reserved for Ezran. "Hi Callum. Sleep well?" Ezran asked.

"Yeah, it was nice," he responded.

"I'm sure this was due to a certain moonshadow elf." Yalaxy stated. Callum rolled his eyes. Yalaxy shook his head. "Well, you look like you have something to say."

"Yeah, me and Rayla are leaving to find Viren and Aaravos and we are going today," Callum stated. Ezran was surprised.

"But, it's all so soon. Who's going to talk over all of your tasks and responsibilities at the castle? And who is going to be my chief advisor?" Ezran asked.

"I'll be taking care of that as well as protecting you from our more, eh, serious threats," Yalaxy stated. "You'll find that I am quiet the good mentor." Ezran looked at Callum and he just nodded.

"Ezran, Rayla needs to find closure with her problems, and I owe it to her to help her. I let her sit with them for long enough," Callum said. 

"Then this is where we part ways Callum," Yalaxy said. "I hope we meet again. You were a good student. Make sure Viren stays dead this time."

"Will do," Callum responded. Callum left to go and get Rayla. The two packed everything that they needed for their journey. Rayla carried her pack with her while Callum was grabbing his. His also contain food for him and a canteen of blood. Yalaxy had given him a large portion of flesh to eat. It was in magic bags that kept it from going bad. He would have to hunt if his supply ran out though. They said their goodbyes to the others as they reached the edge of Lux Aurea. "You ready?" Callum turned to Rayla.

"Yeah, let's go," she responded. The two walked out of the city. They had a goal to achieve and they would achieve it together. 

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