I'm Not To Old To Be Scared Of Doctors. Shut Up.

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As soon as the gates opened, Della almost killed me. With a hug, that is. Call me dramatic but I COULDN'T FUCKING BREATHE?

Apparently, I'm such a touch starved little shit that I cried. Or maybe that's not the reason. The point is it was emotionally exhausting.

Alden said he was going to conduct my families relocation and I'm not allowed to know where they're put to 'resist the temptation'. I made sure to tell Alden that they always wanted a yard big enough to get a dog.

Also Weirdo is going to help me get 'settled' in this place.

To put things bluntly, I was an orphan, basically, but they already got me new guardians! Ew, that sounds formal and gross.

They are supposedly friends of the family and Alden selected them personally. He made sure to add that I was going to like them. Sure, but would they like me? I admit that I'm pretty fucking hard to deal with.

I feel bad for my human family. It's not like it's my fault they got the short end of the stick birthing me but I can feel things! Though I can't help but wonder, why them? There were about seven billion other humans in the world-I COULD'VE BEEN BORN IN PARIS!

To make thing worse I have to see an elfy DOCTOR. As if human doctors weren't bad enough? Then again, I can ask them about my deteriorating mental health.

"Who's Elwin?" My mind flashed to vampires for no reason... no, that's Edward. NOT EVEN CLOSE?

Fitz answered before I cussed myself. "He's a physician. He's going to do a quick pysical on you."

"So a doctor." I deadpanned.

"Yeah, I guess." I stayed quiet for a while. No one needs to know I have beef with doctors.

"What are you doing?" Biana asked from behind us. I almost jumped.

"Having a heart attack, jeez." She chuckled a little. "By the wayyy, any tips on how to deal with el- physicians? Weirdo here is VERY unhelpful."

"There's not much you can do, really. Just let him do his thing?" Well, I tried.

"Thanks anyways! Wanna come with me to my doom?" I said. I just love embarrassing myself.

She laughed, nonetheless. "Sure."

"You heard the girl, Weirdo! Let's go!" My bag bumped on my back when I skipped and let out a soft meow. "Shit." I totally didn't forget about him. I put the bag on the floor and unzipped it more, Fitz and Biana were probably staring.

Marty poked his head out. "Acting all innocent, huh? You gave me a heart attack-bags don't meow!" If they did I would not complain though.

Biana awed and squatted next to me, hesitating a little before stroking Marty's fur. "He so fluffy!"

"I kidnapped him for a reason." I hummed.


"Not literally." I threw my bag back into my back and Biana picked up Marty who willingly curled up in her arms. "You cheater!" She giggled.

"Come on, Sophie. Elwin's waiting," Fitz urged.

"What if I have a thing against doctors? Needles? Do I look like I want acupuncture today?"

"Needles? All he's going to do is probably shine a light on you and give you a few cleansing elixirs." Biana said, shivering when she said needles.

"Oh." I must've looked like such a dumbass. "Well let's go then!" I skipped forward, my bag not meowing when it hit my back.

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