Broken Bound Repaired

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Ochako had moved a lot in her life, so it was hard for her to make friends. She was always scared to get close to people to then simply lose them. It always hurt her to leave her new friends behind, but the one that left a real mark was Midoriya.

She was now standing in from of her new school, what she would give to be able to see him again. With s sight, she finally entered it and went to her classroom, almost getting lost on two occasions. As she finally, the teacher greeted her and brought her up for presentation.

She quickly scanned the room, and at the back, she saw a boy that reminded her of Midoriya. "Wait, could that be him," she was thinking to herself. "Seriously Ochako, what would be the odds of him being her. This is not some sort of cheesy fiction."

After he presented herself, the teacher sat her beside the green-haired boy. She noticed that the other students seem to be whispering to themselves and gave her apologetic looks. "What is wrong with all of them," she wondered. Class finally started after she sat down.

Along with the lessons, the boy beside her seemed to avoid facing her. He seemed to be quite sad she noted. She makes a not to talk to him during lunchtime. Right now, she needed to focus on what the teacher was saying.

When the lunch bell rang, she rapidly gathered her things to her lower in the hope of catching up with the boy. "I have to make it sure it's him. and he does seem to be in need of emotional support."

On her way back, she was stopped by a group of girls. "Hey, you're the new student right," asked one of them.

"Yes that's right, I think I'm in class with you two," replied Uraraka while pointing at two students of the group.

"It's great to see new faces," said another one with pink hair. "Tell me, do you have any boys in mind?"

Ochako was quite confused by this sudden question, on all the things she could have asked for that the first that came to her mind?

"Mina common, she just arrived," replied a black-haired student. "She barely knows anyone yet. By the way, where are you going? The dining hall is this way."

"Oh ah, I was looking for someone, the boy sitting beside me in class. I think I knew him a few years ago, but I'm not sure."

"Wait, are you talking about Midoriya?"

"Yes that him," she happily exclaimed. "OMG, I can't believe he's here I have so many things to tell him."

The group gave him a weird look, "you're friend with, him?"

"Yes, a problem?"

"I mean yeah, he's quirkless. There are so many boys that are better than him," replied Mina. "Common with us, we'll show you around," as she tried to take her hand.

Ochako tug away her hand, "thanks, but I don't need your help to chose my friends," she replied with a tone of anger and walked away.

Izuku was walking toward the dining hall, he was initially happy to see Uraraka again, but she didn't seem to recognize him. "Of course she wouldn't. Why would she remember someone like me."

"Damn the new girl is surely hot," said a voice behind him. "I wonder if I have a chance with her."

"Of course you have," replied another one. "You can get any girl you want, and it's not like her sitting partner will be much competition at least."

He could heard others laughing at this comment. "But seriously, what a shame she ended up with this loser. Next, he'll think he's some big shot because a pretty ass sits beside him in class." He received nodes of agreement.

Izuku accelerated his pace, not wanting to hear more. He was fuming from how those guys were talking about Uraraka. He just wanted to lash out at them for making her sound like a wore, but he didn't.

"Guess it's good she doesn't remember me, at least she won't miss me." He then sat down in a corner with his lunch, eating as fast as he could. More than once, he got his lunch stole or ruined by other students, so he made sure to finish it fast so he won't starve for the rest of the day.

"Hey Midoriya, it's nice to see you."

Izuku raised his head and saw that Uraraka was standing in front of him, holding her tray. "Can I sit here?"

"Yeah, but why?"

"I mean why not? It's been so long since we've seen each other. I am so happy to see you again," she exclaimed with a bright smile.

"At least that didn't change,' thought Izuku. "Well ah, it's nice to see you too."

"By the way, how is Inko doing lately?"

Izuku didn't reply right away. "What do I reply? If I tell her the truth, she's going to be sad. But if I lie and then she finds out what actually happened, she's not going to be happy with this," was thinking the boy.

"Izuku, are you okay?"

"Ah yes, she's doing fine," he finally replied, deciding not to tell her she was actually dead.

"Oh that's great. I'm glad that you still have her, at least. You're just soo nice despite everything that happens to you."

"Hum, thanks," he said with a blush. "Damn, why does she have to be so cute. What the hell am I thinking? Those feelings won't lead you anywhere Izuku stop it."

The two continued talking throughout lunchtime. Izuku was having a good time, things that didn't happen since his mother passed away. He just sat here and talked with Uraraka, forgetting his daily troubles or even his suicide plan. But everything had an end when the bell rang at the end of lunchtime.

Izuku went to the bathroom but was intercepted on his way. He was grabbed by someone and shoved on a wall. "What the fuck do you think your doing," asked a harsh voice.

It was Sen Kaibara, one of the boys he heard earlier one. He was starring at Izuku with visible anger. "Are you really trying to go after Uraraka? Like hell a chick like her would be interested in a piece of trash like you," he then threw Izuku to the ground and kicked him using his quirk. "I'm only going to say this once, stay away from her, or I'm going to make you regretted to be born."

Kaibara then walked away, leaving Izuku on the ground.

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