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"Izuku? Bu-but how? I saw you die that day!"

Ochako was at a loss of words. The man who she thought had died years ago was now standing in front of her. He was looking at her with cold eyes. He had some burn mark on his face, probably from when the orphanage exploded.

"Easy, I fooled everyone into thinking I am dead. Not like there would be anyone to miss me."

"But I miss-"

"You can drop the act Uraraka, you are no different from the others," cut Izuku, his voice taking on a different tone. "I always knew you how much of a manipulative bitch you are. It just took Izuku longer to realize."

That last bit surprised the brunette, "why is he suddenly talking as a different person?" She then composed herself and lowered her gun. "Listen Izuku. You don't know the full story of what happened that day. It wasn't-"

"Oh I know what I saw," cut the young man once again, his tone had returned to normal. "You pretend to love only to screw someone else behind my back."

"Izuku please, let me explain what happened. Shinso made me do it."

"How convenient it is to cover up with someone else, but you can't fool us," replied the other voice. 

"I need to catch him," thought Ochako. "Even if this is Izuku, job comes first." But before she could do anything, she was pulled backward by an invisible force. "WHAT THE?" Her handcuffs flew out of her jackets and latched on her hands. A pipe burst from the ceiling and wrapped around the handcuffs, pulling her upward. 

"What, Izuku is not alone!?" She frantically looked around to see who else was there.

"You can stop looking around. There is only the two of us."

"That's not possible, your quirkless! You couldn't have moved the pipe and my handcuffs like that."

The green hair man smirked before replying, "a little something we discovered the day we 'died'." He rose his right hand, and two metal balls flew out of his pockets and hovered around it. "Quite fancy, I must say."

Ochako's eyes widened. After all this time living as a quirkless, he finally developed one?!

"I think it is time for me to go. I presume you call your friends, so we better hurry." With this, Izuku walked out of the room and locked the door, probably using his power. 

Ochako however, wasn't done yet. She lifted her body to her hands and quickly grabbed the keys from her pockets. Once free, she didn't even bother with the door as she immediately jumped out of the window while using her gravity quirk to negate the landing. 

"Now where did he go?" Izuku was nowhere to be seen despite how quickly she escaped. "Where did he go? He couldn't go that far." It was at this moment that Ochako saw the manhole. Considering his metal control quirk, lifting that thing wouldn't have been an issue. And fortunately, it wasn't an issue for her either. 

"Damn it stink!" She was now in the sewer, and she probably would need a good shower after that. But returning to the matter at hand, she lights up her flashlight to see around. 

"There you are," as Ochako noticed some footprints in on the ground, not even questioning what she was walking on. She ran for a bit, but the trail rapidly ended into a drainage canal.

"Damn it." She received a phone call from the local police.

"Chief Inspector Uraraka, we have arrived at the address you provided us, but we can't find you."

"Sorry, I saw someone of interest and tried to chase him down. Unfortunately, he managed to get away so I'll return to your position."

After the fiasco at Musutafu, Ochako was back in her office to assess what she had found out with her squad.

"So you found the guy that was living in the apartment," asked Tsukauchi. "Can you describe him?"

Ochako was looking down. To say that she wasn't feeling well about the whole confrontation would be an understatement.

"Hey, don't beat yourself too hard because he got away. It happened to all of us," tried to cheer up the inspector.

"I knew him."


"His name is Izuku Midoriya, and he was supposed to be dead."

Her whole team was starring at her in worried. "What exactly happened between you, if that's not too indiscreet," asked Tokoyami. Tsuyu had mention Izuku in the past, but he never really got the whole story.

"We were dating, back in high school. Izuku always had a hard life. Everyone thought he was quirkless, so he was mocked a lot. And to add insult to injury, his mother died too early," she started explaining. "The only good thing that happened to him is when we started dating. But of course, some random dickhead had to ruin everything. That was kind of the last straw, so he faked his death." She just stared at her desk without moving.

Tsukauchi went to pat her back. "I presume that your reunion, didn't go well."

She shook her head, "he still believed that I cheated on him while in reality, it was that bastard with his brainwashing quirk that did everything."

"If you need to, you can go home and sort things out with yourself," proposed Tokoyami. "I'm sure Tsuyu and Yaoyotozu can help you, like they did back then. We can continue searching for Borokkori on our own for the moment."

"Thanks," Ochako stood up and was about to leave when she added, "I'm pretty sure that Izuku is Burokkori. Broccoli was the nickname I gave him when we were kids, and Deku was given to him as an insult. I know it isn't much, but this is too good to be a coincidence."


They were currently sitting at a drive-in in the outskirt, Izuku holding a cup of coffee. 

"I, don't know. Like a huge to go talk to her, after all these years."

"Don't tell you still like her, after what she did."

Izuku didn't reply, he just stared at his coffee. 

"We need to think of something now that they got our face," pointed out Ukuzi. "Are you even listening?"

"How did she knew him?"


"Shinso, I never brought her to the orphanage, and he didn't went to the same school as us. How did she knew him then?"

"What are you suggesting then?"

"You know as well as I do how much he hated us," explained Izuku. "And he has a brainwashing quirk. Do you see where I am getting at?"

Ukuzi thought for a moment before replying, "can be possible, or she heard of him from somewhere else and is trying to cover herself up."

"Admit my theory is more possible Ukuzi."

"I give you that, but we are better checking this out ourselves."

Izuku stood up with his coffee and left the drive-in. "I agree with you."

Same But Different (Adopted from YOUNGMIDORYIA23)Where stories live. Discover now