You woke up on a sofa? You looked around and saw a nicely furnished house. There wasn't a lot in it but it was pretty. You looked to your left to see the same dirty-blonde-haired man. You could see him more clearly now. He had bright, emerald green eyes with smooth skin. You could see some stubble along his defined jawline and his hair was long and messy. He was gorgeous.

"Where am I?" You asked him. "Oh um you blacked out so I took you to my house because I didn't want to just leave you there. I'm sorry." He replied, looking down. "Oh um it's fine I guess," you started to sit up "OUCH" you lifted up your shirt and you could do a bruise along your bottom rib. "Fuck."

"Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to hospital? I can if you need to. That looks really bad." The looked genuinely concerned as he spoke. "Oh I'm fine they can't do anything anyway." You replied, sighing.

"Hey what's your name?" You asked the mystery man. "My name is Clay, what's yours?" "Thank you Clay. My name is
y/n." "You are welcome y/n. Are you sure you are ok? Do you want me to get you anything? Food? Water? Painkillers?"
"Oh I could use some water and painkillers. Thank you." You got up and started to look around the room, flinching from the pain in your rib.

Clay returned with the painkillers and a glass of water. You took it from him and started to sip on the water. You them placed a pill in your mouth and swashed it down with some more water. "Thank you again. I'm sorry. You probably don't won't to deal with some random girl you found in an alleyway." You spoke looking down.

"What? No it's fine I am just glad you are ok honestly." Clay replied, moving to sit down on the couch.

"Do you want me to take you home or do you want to stay here for tonight?" He asked, looking at you. "Um would it be ok if I stayed here tonight? I.. don't really want to go outside right now." You spoke, glancing at him then down at your feet. "Of course that is ok. Make sure you don't blame yourself for anything that happened. Okay?" "Okay."
(Lmao what is that pwjnsjakjja)

You rolled him whilst he toured his house "this is the kitchen... downstairs bathroom... my roommates room.... ok upstairs.... this is my room.. the spare room where you will be sleeping.. the upstairs bathroom.. and this is my um.. private room. Please don't go in there." " you house is really nice and no I won't go into your private room. Thank you again for everything you have done for me today."

"Ok do you want to meet my roommate or do you want to sleep?" Clay asked you. "Oh I can meet your roommate and then sleep of that is ok."

"y/n, this is Nick, Nick this is y/n." "Hey mamas" Nick winked at you. "Nick shut up seriously." Clay spoke in a firm, serious tone. You giggled "Hello Nick. How are you?" " I am ok thanks for asking. How are you y/n?" Nick asked you politely. "I am um f-fine thanks" you looked at Clay for reassurance as you spoke. Why was you looking at him for reassurance? You had known him for not even two hours and yet you felt so safe and welcomed in his presence.

You yawned. "Do you want to go to sleep?" Clay asked you. "Yeah of that is okay" you asked him. "Of course it is." He said as he started to walk to your temporary bedroom.

When you got there, you said goodnight and went your separate ways. You put your hair in a bun and got into bed. Omg this bed is comfy. I'm freezing. Shit I left my jumper in the streets. I don't want it anyway. These jeans are so uncomfortable. I am o tired but I can't sleep in these.

You got up from your bed and made your way downstairs where you heard Clay and Nick talking. "No I found her in an alleyway. There was these men. I don't want to think what they would of done to her. "Oh I thought she was like your new girlfriend or something" "no she isn't she is just staying here tonight because she doesn't wanna be alone I guess."

You walked into the room. "Um Clay could I maybe borrow some clothes?" You asked looking at your feet. "Oh my god. I'm sorry I forgot about that. Of course you can." As you started walking out the room you heard Nick whisper "I thought she wasn't your girlfriend?" "She's not?" Clay replied. "Why are you looking at her like that then?"

You followed Clay to his bedroom where he pulled out some joggers and a jumper. "Is this okay?" "Yes thank you I'm really sorry." "Don't be sorry none of this is your fault okay?" Clay replied. You couldn't help it. Tears started to pour down you face. "Omg y/n come here." Clay said opening his arms for you to hug him.

"You walked up to him and melted into his arms. You sparked to stop crying but you couldn't. You sobbed hard, making his white t- shirt turn see-through. You stood there hugging each other for what felt like hours. You didn't want to pull away but you knew he would think you are weird if you was still hugging him whilst you wasn't crying anymore. You reluctantly pulled away from him arms.

"Omg is so sorry- y-your t shirt." You said staring at the wet shirt he was wearing. "No no it's ok it's fine I can change it don't worry. Now take these and go and get some rest you need it okay?"

You took the clothes and got dressed into them. The joggers were huge on you and you had to roll the bottoms of them up multiple times, the jumper again was hi big but you loved oversized jumpers and it smelt like Clay so you felt safe wearing it.

You went to the bathroom to go to the toilet before going to sleep. You tried to open the door but it was locked. You realised Clay was probably in there "SORRY" you shouted at the door before it opened and Clay appeared on the other side. "It's fine don't worry about it." He said as he looked at your clothes. "They are a bit big." You said giggling and showing him the huge sweater paws you have. "Awww" he replied looking at the baggy clothes on you. You blushed and walked into the bathroom.

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