Tw- mention of rape
Sorry for not updating besties <3

You woke up, freezing cold. It is almost December.

You stand up and creep out of the tent, being careful not to wake up anyone. Wait where's Clay and Alex?

You take a peek outside of the tent to see Alex and Clay making breakfast. "Morning!" Alex shouts, seeing you. "Good morning!" You say back, not too loud.

Clay walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. "Your freezing amber. Go put on a jumper," he instructed you. You nodded and walked back into the tent, pulling on one of clays jumpers that he had given you.

You walk back outside and sit down next to Alex. You get a notification so you turn on your phone to see what it was. You had gotten a Twitter notification.

You opened it and saw the username of whatever I said the username of them two men from chapter one was. You tensed up as you read what it was about.

They sent you a message saying, 'how's the camping trip going? You are so cute when you sleep btw ;)' they know where I am. They are gonna find me.

"Clay," you said, catching his attention. "You know them men from the first day we met," he nodded, stepping towards you with a worried look on his face. You didn't say anything else, you just showed him your phone.

He took the phone and read over the message over and over again. "We need to go," he said abruptly.

After around an hour, everyone was awake, everything was packed and you was ready to go. You drove back home in the same cars you had come in. "How did they know?" You say mostly to yourself. "It's gonna be okay. They won't get you. I promise,"

You sat mostly in silence for the entire car ride. It wasn't an awkward silence.

When you finally got home, you all unpacked all of your things.

You felt around your neck for your mums necklace. Clay had payed for it to get repaired for you. You felt.. nothing. What the fuck?

You looked through all of your things, oh the brink of tears. No. I can't loose it. I can't loose it. It's the only thing I have left of her.

"Clay?" You called out from inside your bedroom. He was inside the room seconds later, watching you frantically looking for the necklace. He saw the stress that you was in. "Hey hey what's wrong?" He said softly, standing infront of you.

"I can't find it. My mums necklace," you just about got out. He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back reassuringly. "We will find it don't worry. Where did you see it last?" He asked you.

"I hardly ever take it off. It should be on my neck. I didn't take it off yesterday."

Suddenly, a thought crossed your mind. What if the men took it? "Wait did I say that out loud?" You asked. "Yes and it could be a possibility," Clay said softly.

You had texted the men back on Twitter, asking if they took your necklace. They had.

They had responded saying that they would give it back if you met with them... alone.

"I need the necklace but I can't go there. Not with them," you had said to Clay. "You're not going there alone. Are you crazy?" He reasoned. "Clay it's the only thing I have from my mum."

"Fine but I'm going with you."

"Okay... they wanna meet in... an hour."

You walked, hand in hand with Clay, down the streets, the sun has already set so it was dark outside and you was quite literally terrified.

You got to the spot they wanted to meet at- the alleyway. The one where they had tried to rape you. The one where you had met Clay. The one where you had lost your jumper.

Just seconds later, the two men turned up. "Now did we or did we not say to come alone?" The shorter one said with an evil grin. Clay stepped infront of you. "Do you have memory loss or are you just an idiot. You tried to fucking rape her," Clay said, stunned.

"She was asking for it," he hissed. "Yeah and your asking for a punch in the god damn face right now so shut the hell up and give her her necklace," Clay snapped.

"Alright but under one condition," the taller man now spoke. "What?" You asked, finally finding the courage to talk. "You let us pick up where we left off. If you know what I mean," he winked.

What. The. Fuck?!

You say Clay visibly tense up. "Just give her the necklace," he said. "Leave is alone for a bit," he said, smirking.

"I'm not leaving her alone with you," he raised his voice. "No necklace for you then," the shorter one spat.

"Just give me my necklace. Please," you said, not very loudly, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Fine," Clay said, before leaving you alone with the men.

You woke up breathing heavily, with tears running down your face. You looked around to see where you were. You was in the tent, next to Clay.

It was just a bad dream.

You started to quietly cry at the thought of the dream.

"Hey what wrong?" Clay sat up next to you. "Don't leave me," you just about said.

"I'm not going to leave you. Ever. I promise."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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