Just as a reminder.. you are beautiful and you are loved. Thrive like the king/queen you are :)

You woke up in a double bed? Where am I? You got up and looked around the room. Then it hit you.. everything that happened the night before. A random man saved me? Clay. His name is Clay. What if he holds me captive here against my will? No he won't do that. But that man at the party. I trusted that man and then.. no stop you are overthinking. he is a good person. He saved you.

You put on your glasses (yk like how people wear them in like the mornings and whatever, not all the time), left your room and headed downstairs and into the kitchen where you saw Nick. "Oh morning y/n" he smiled at you. "Morning Nick" you smiled back. "Where's Clay?" You asked him, sitting down at the kitchen island and pulling out your phone. Shit it's on 1%. "Oh he is still asleep. Could you go wake him up? I'm making pancakes!" Nick jumped up excitedly, showing you the batter he was stirring. "Sure I will be back in a minute"

You walked up to Clays bedroom door. What if he wants me gone? He probably wants me gone. He probably just pities me because of those men. Omg what if they find me? What will they do to me. You took a deep breath and knocked on hid bedroom door to make sure he wasn't getting dressed or anything. When there was no reply after a few seconds, you clicked open the wooden door and walked in.

Clay was laying on his massive bed, snoring softly. Aww cute. Wait what? Why are u calling a random man cute? Stop thinking like that y/n. You walked over to him and lightly shook his shoulder. "Clay you need to get up. Nick is trying to make pancakes" you spoke softly to him, not wanting to scare him awake.

Slowly he opened his emerald eyes. He looked around, confused for a few seconds until his brain switched on properly. "Morning y/n. Did you sleep okay?" He asked you, sitting up in his bed and stretching out his arms. "Yeah I slept good thanks. What about you?" You asked back, watching him attempt to tame his wild bed head. "I slept good thanks for asking" Clay responded looking defector into your eyes.

"So why is Nick attempting to make pancakes?" Clay asked, getting out of bed. "I have no clue I got up and he was already making the batter"

You both walked into the kitchen, laughing at a stupid pick up line that Clay had told you.

"Ew why can I smell burning" Clay asked, scrunching his nose up at the stench. "Ok maybe I overestimated my cooking skills. How the hell do you get it not to burn?!" Nick asked, looking at a plate with piled up burnt pancakes on it. Clay started wheezing and you started laughing at his obnoxious laugh. "are you ok Clay? You sound like u can't breathe?" You asked between laughing. This only made him laugh harder. Nick joined in on the laughing fit after he noticed the tears streaming down clays face.

Once you had all calmed down, Clay walked over to the pan and started to make up the batter into pancakes.

"One sec guys I'm gonna go the the bathroom" you said as you got off of your seat and walked out of the kitchen, towards the downstairs bathroom.

Once you were done, you walked back towards the kitchen. You heard the boys talking yet again. You didn't want to listen to their conversation but you couldn't help yourself.

"Bro i don't know I have known her for not even a day" "Clay I have seen the way you look at her" "I know but no way does she feel the same" "I have also seen the way she looks at you. Look I'm just saying, don't give up before you know her answer and don't rush into anything. Get to know each other for a bit as friends first"

"I'm back!" You walked into the kitchen, sitting on your seat.

Once you had all eaten your non-burned pancakes, you went upstairs to get and get dressed back into your own clothes as you was still wearing Clays.

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