Tw- mentions of abuse
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You stared in disbelief. How was he here? Why was he here? A flood of memories poured its way through your mind. Memories of him slapping you, punching you, starving you.

"D-dad?" You asked. "Y/n!" He opened his arms for a hug and stepped towards you. You took a step back.

"Not remember your manners?" The man had an evil grin on his stupid face. "And who are you?" He turned to Clay. "I thought she would never get a boyfriend. You could do a bit better couldn't you?"

"Excuse me?" Clay asked, taken back.

"Cmon y/n really? Blonde hair?" The old man gagged. "Leave him alone," you said. You was terrified of your dad but you wasn't just going to let him say that about Clay.

"Wow you really have forgotten your manners. You know what happens when you do that," he almost sung.

You gulped. He used to make you skip meals for 'forgetting your manners'. Physical abuse like punches and hits were for being 'rude to him' or if he was just angry that day. Verbal abuse was just non stop- no reason for it. And lastly, getting a bottle smashed against you was a punishment for being nice to the 'wrong people'. This happened often. Whether it was showing kindness to your mother or friend, you was punished.

"Cmon I know you remember y/n," he had an evil grin on his ugly face. "Just leave me alone," you had tears in your eyes but you wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You grabbed clays arm and speedwalked to his car.

Clay unlocked his car and you got into your usual seats. You let out a sigh of relief when you got in the car. "You wanna talk about it?" Clay asked you, very clearly concerned. "He's just an idiot. Don't worry about it," you gave him a weak smile.

You arrived back at clays house and walked into the living room, where all of the other boys were sat, playing uno. "HA TAKE THAT LOSER!" Nick shouted at George.

"We're back!" Clay announced, making all the boys turn their heads to you and get up. They individually hugged you. You may have only known them for not even two weeks, but you felt like you had known them forever.

Over your time at the hospital, you and Clay had learned just about everything about each other. You left out your dad because you was embarrassed to be related to him, but other than that, you told him it all.

You took some of the pain medication that the nurses had sent you home with and sat down in the living room.

"Thank you all for visiting me every day and keeping me company. I know it isn't what you wanted to spend your week doing, but you did it anyway. I know we all hardly know each other, but you are all clearly good people," you made a speech.

They all told you that they didn't mind at all and that they are just glad you are okay, but you knew deep down that they didn't want to.

"How about we do q and a? It will help us to get to know y/n better, and her with us? One person will ask 5 questions, then the next and so on," Alex suggested. Everyone agreed.

"Okay who is answering first?" You asked. Everyone said "you" at the same time. Nick went first.

"We will start basic. What's your favourite colour?"


"Hmm, favourite animal?"

"I like cats. I used to have one but it- um.. died," you didn't want to tell them about how your dad had beat your cat to death infront of your eyes.

"Aww noo. Okayy are you allergic to anything?"

"Nothing that I know of, no."

"Okay who is your favourite person in this room?"

You looked around. You already knew the answer but you wanted to make it seem like you was thinking. "Clay," you said bluntly. "Rude," Nick pouted. Everyone wined. "Seriously though, who did you expect me to say?" You giggle. Clay is smiling at you, boasting to the others.

"Okay last one ummm what's your favourite food?" He asked finally.

"I'm not sure. Probably mozzarella sticks haha," you laughed a little. "YES SOMEONE APPRECIATES MOZZARELLA STICKS FOR HOW GOOD THEY AREEE!" George shouted, making you flinch. Clay seemed to notice, and placed his arm around your shoulder.

"Okay! My turn to ask questions!" Karl giggled.

"What is your favourite movie?"

"I'm honestly not sure.. anything that isn't horror," you answered.

"Sameeee umm how did you guys meet?" He asked next.

You froze, looking down and picking at your fingers. You thought about that night. The men. The keys. Your jumper. What they tried to do to you. Clay helping you. Clay rubbed his hand on your shoulder to reassure you. "She was just walking home from work and we jus5 started talking I guess," Clay answered for you.

Karl seemed to notice the change in your attitude wheel he mentioned that, so he wanted to stay away from that subject.

"Alright. What's your favourite place to go?" He asked next.

"Well I liked the beach but now I have no clue anymore. Hmm here," you say. "Here? As in the house?" Clay asks with a smile. You nod your head, looking at him.

"Why don't you just kiss already?" Nick asked, making you and Clay both blush. "This isn't a dare game Nick," you say. "Well there's an idea," Nick says. " if we are going to play a game then can we play hide and seek?" You ask. "Omg yes! And we can turn off all the lights to make it better!" George said.

Sorry this is so short. I had a rough day but I will try to get out a fat chapter tomorrow besties. Stay safe<3

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