Time skip to when they moved in together.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Clay asked. You all told him "yes" and put your suitcases in the boot of the car.

"You excited?" Clay asked you. "Yep! I have never been camping before," you informed him. "Really?"

"Yep. Yknow I wasn't really allowed to do anything as a kid,"

"LETS GO ALREADYY WERE POPPING OFF!" Alex shouted, pulling on his beanie. "I call shotgun!" Nick shouted.

Nick hopped in the front of Karl's car. "Who's car are we all going in?" You asked them all.

"Who's going in mine?" Clay asked. "Me," you stepped towards him.

"I honestly don't mind who's car I go in," George said. "Same with me," Alex agreed. "How about we leave the lovebirds to go in clays car alone." Karl suggested. You rolled your eyes at him. "I hate you," you said, hopping in the passenger seat of the car.

"See you there!" Alex grinned. George waved before getting in Karl's car.

"You want food?" Clay asked you. You nodded. "When don't I?"

Clay drove you to the closest McDonald's his hand resting on your thigh. Whenever his skin made contact with yours, it felt like lightning had been set off in your veins. You still could not get over the feeling even after nearly three months.

You went through the drive thru. You both ordered your food and waited at the pick up door. They gave it to you and you drove off.

You both sung through the playlist that you had made together for the entire 4 hour car ride.

"We're here!" Clay parked the car. You cheered, getting out. You stretched and yawned. "I'm really excited," you said again.

"Why aren't the others here yet?" You asked him. "I'm not sure. I will text and ask," you got a notification from the group chat you was in with the boys.

'Feral boys+clays lover'. You tapped on it.

Lovebird one- hey where are you guys? You're taking ages

Small q- we are like 5 mins away Karl says

Nickerless-  yh have some patience 🙄

Lovebird 2- have some manners 🙄

Georgette- have some respect and shut up. I'm trying to sleep

Lovebird 1- I could have guessed that

Nickerless- hey don't be mean to gogy

Lovebird 1- I would never

Georgette- I'm muting this chat

Lovebird 2- no George. You can't leave me with them

Georgette- :]

Small q- we are like a min away

Lovebird 1- okay

You smiled at their stupidity. These people never failed to cheer you up. "Should we start putting the tent up?" You asked Clay.

"Yeah. Oh I think it's in Karl's car," Clay looked in the boot, only finding food, water, blankets and pillows.

"Oh okay... they are here now," you looked at the car that was driving towards you.

You walked out of the way to Clay so you wouldn't get run over by the vehicle.

All of the boys hopped out of the car shortly after. "Woo that was a long ride," Alex said. "I'm still tired," George complained. "Your welcome," Nick smiled evilly at George. "Your dead to me," George walked towards you and Clay.

"You better put up this tent otherwise imma pass out on the floor," George said, leaning his arm on your shoulder and laying his head on it.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" You asked him. "None. I couldn't sleep," he yawned. "And Nick wouldn't let me sleep for the entire car ride," he yawned again.

Everyone except for George helped to put the tent up, however, the only one np who actually knew what to do properly was Clay, so he ended up doing pretty much all of it.

The tent was really big. It had four separate rooms, so you and Clay would share one, Alex and George would have their own, and Nick and Karl would share the last room. You all set up your 'beds'. George immediately jumped into his and fell asleep.

"Why is it so cold out here?" You asked, shivering even with a jumper and coat on. Clay snaked his arm around you and rubbed your arm. This made you warm up a little. "Okay who is going to get logs for the fire?" Alex asked.

"I can. But I'm not going alone," you said. "Say less," Clay got up and wrapped his hand around yours, pulling you up. "Don't be too long," Karl said.

You walked around the woods for a bit, looking for logs and sticks appropriate for the fire.

You saw a good looking one to your right. You walked towards it, bending down to pick it up.

Suddenly, you felt something grab your shoulders. You screamed, turning around as fast as you could. "Pahhahaha that was amazing. The best thing I have ever seen. Pajahah," Nick rolled around on the floor laughing his ass off.

Clay came sprinting over. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked you. "I'm fine. This dickhead decided it would be a good idea to grab my shoulders and scare the shit out of me," you walked towards Clay, now on edge. "Nick you fucker," Clay softly kicked him.

You arrived back at the tent with lots off firewood. Karl placed it on the fire as you and Nick was too scared and Clay wanted to stay next to you.

After a while, you started to get tired. "I'm going to bed. Night!" You got you and walked to the tent.

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