"Steve, give us free ice cream, or things will get ugly."

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(Your P.O.V.) 

"Steve!" Dustin and I said at the same time."Yes?" he said looking up from the counter "We want some ice cream" "Okay .... wait , I have to pay for it don't I ? " he said as he looked at our faces. I gave him a dry smirk, which was all he needed to know. "No. Not again. What the hell are you doing eating ice cream for dinner anyways?" he asked. "Well, we're out of food at home, and the only other place to get food here is that Chinese food place, and after last summer, I will never be able to even look at Chinese food without thinking of evil Russians, elevators that drop you halfway to your death, and Robin and you getting tortured." I responded. He sighed unhappily. "No. You are not having ice cream for dinner, and that is final." he said, like he was our mom. "But-" "No". I sighed. I gave Steve a death glare and said coldly, "Steve, give us free ice cream, or things will get ugly." He paused. "Fine. But if anyone hears about this, your ass is grass, AND THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO, DUSTIN!" he said loudly, noticing Dustin's smirk. "Aww" complained Dustin. Steve grinned at Dustin's disapointment. "Ok, what do you want?" He asked.

*The next day*

(At school)

"Ok, remember the plan, stay away from Jordan, but watch her, got it?" I said. The Party had come up with the plan at Mike's house last night over some Eggos and candy. "Got it" said the Party. "Ok, so remember, as we all saw, she's very dangerous, even without being the host of the Mindflayer. Now- oh shit." said Will upon noticing Jordan walking past us. Then the bell rang. "Shit" we all groaned. "Well big brother, don't die" Dustin told me. "How motivating" I said, flipping him off. He smirked as we walked to science class. As I sat down, I noticed Jordan look at El with a odd expresion on her face. Why would she- oh shit, the Mindflayer recognizes El. Of course it would. I looked at El with a panicked look. She caught my eye and nodded slightly. She knew it would recognize her. Fuck, this is going to be bad I thought. It felt like days until the bell finally rang. We ran out of the classroom as fast as we could. We thought we were safe, until Jordan caught up to us.

Should I stay or should I go? A Will Byers x male reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now