"Where is the damn gate?!"

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Kali!" cried Robin. She picked Kali up and placed her on the couch. Kali groaned softly. "Shit. Is she gonna be ok?" Robin asked me. "I think so, yeah." I said. She breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile Hopper held El in his arms. "Shit shit shit!" he said, panicked. I could tell he was probably thinking of his dead daughter Sara, and how she died. He didn't want to lose another daughter. "H-hopper?" whispered El. "El! I'm so glad you're ok!" said Hopper. El clung weakly to Hopper. By then Kali had woke up. Robin held her hand. Kali smiled at Robin. "So, why did you pass out when Will described the Mindflayer's host?" Robin asked Kali gently. Kali took a deep breath and told Robin about Hawkins Lab. Robin shook in anger, her blue eyes filled with rage. "How can someone be so cruel?" she asked. "You know what? I'm gonna go kick his ass. It's very wrong to hurt kids and manipulate them, and nobody hurts my girlfriend." Robin said. "Wait, you're gonna need backup. And besides, that's what we do. Take revenge on people. So, we're going with you. Besides, maybe you and Kali could have some romantic time with each other, if you know what I mean." said Dottie, winking. "Dottie!" complained Kali. "What? All I'm saying is that-" "Dot, shut up." said Kali. Robin laughed. "That's actually a good idea. If we can figure out where the gate is, we can split up." said Will. "Yeah, but where is the damn gate though?" said Mike angrily. "Woah Mike, are you ok?" I asked. "Yes I'm fine." he snapped. Suddenly Will gasped. He began no shake and whimper "No no no no". Then he suddenly began to cry. "Will!" He began to say "No no no not you". I was really confused and scared. Then it hit me. "No" I whispered. "Not him. Please." I understood now. Why Mike was so angry. Why he seemed to be constantly sweating. Why he started to look at El strangely. Mike Wheeler was one of the Flayed. 

*Sorry for the short chapter! Also, massive plot twist! Sorry, not sorry!*

Should I stay or should I go? A Will Byers x male reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now