"Burn it out!"

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Ok, we're here." said Hopper. Everyone got off the top of Joyce's car. I was the last one to get off. Surprising absolutely no one, I got stuck. I sighed. Shit. "I'm stuck" I complained unhappily.  Dustin laughed. "Hey" I complained. Suddenly Dustin screamed and jumped back in terror, at something that wasn't there. I grinned at Kali, who was standing under a tree with Robin. The two smirked at me, then laughed. Dustin yelled, "Damn it, Kali!" we all laughed. Axel walked over to Dustin. "She does that a lot. It's annoying." Axel told him. Dustin nodded. Will climbed up on to the roof of the car and helped me down. "How did you get stuck- DUSTIN WHAT THE HELL?" he said. Why did he- "DUSTIN!" I complained. He had left the window rolled down just enough so I could accidentally put my foot in it, but not rolled down enough so I could pull my foot out. That little shit. Dustin laughed again. "I hate you." I complained. We all went inside.


We tied Mike to a bed, lit the fireplace, and turned on the heater. Mike woke up, and began to struggle against the ropes. "Let me go!" he yelled. He thrashed around as black tendrils crept up his neck. He screamed in pain. El began cry as she saw Mike in pain. "Mike" she sobbed. I walked over to her and held her as she cried. "El, Mike's gonna be ok. Don't worry." I told her softly. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Ok" she said. She began to cry again. "I'm sorry." she whimpered. "No El. Don't apologize. You can cry all you want." I whispered. She sobbed and cried into my shoulder. "It's not coming out!" yelled Nancy. "Burn it out!" yelled Dustin. "I'm trying to!" Nancy screamed. Then suddenly black smoke flew out of Mike, and he passed out. We turned off the heater, and cut the ropes. "Mike!" cried El, running towards him. "Ugh" Mike groaned. "E-el?" he asked weakly. "Mike!" she said. Will bit his lip. I gave him a sympathetic look. He had told me that he had a crush on Mike for a while. "I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I will never hurt you again. If I ever hurt you again I think I'd kill myself." he said. They held each other for a while. We all sighed in relief. Hopper stormed up to him. "What. The. Hell." he said in anger. "You could have killed El!" he yelled. "I-i didn't want to." said Mike. I couldn't control myself. When it takes you over-" "-you have no control over yourself." finished Will. "Oh. Ok. But if you hurt El ever again I will kill you. Understand?" asked Hopper. "I understand." Mike said. "Did- did I miss anything?" he asked. "Yes" I said in anger. "Dustin made me get stuck when I was climbing down from the top of Ms. Byers's car." I said, glaring at Dustin. "Haha, nice one Dustin- wait did you say you got to ride on top of Ms. Byers's car? I miss all the fun." he complained. We all laughed. "Oh, I think I know where the gate is."  he said. "Where?" we asked. "The lab" he said.

Should I stay or should I go? A Will Byers x male reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now