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Amara did her best to hide her anxiousness, was it really possible that no other woman in Joseon used cocoa butter?
Prince Dong Sun started leaning closer to her and Amara leaned back, he couldn't find out that it was her what if he had her arrested? Min Joon cleared his throat, "Actually my prince, she was with me all night she couldn't possibly have been in your room"
Min Joon said and moved to pull Amara away from the prince but she moved away on her own.
"Be that as it may, I'm still certain that it's a scent I'm not used to. I don't even know how to describe it" Dong Sun said while still trying to get closer to Amara, just then the manservant came into the room holding a black and pink hanbok.
"My prince this is the hanbok you asked for"

Amara quickly stood up and went to the door, taking the hanbok from the manservant

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Amara quickly stood up and went to the door, taking the hanbok from the manservant. Prince Dong Sun sat and cleared his throat, pouting a little.
"Please take the lady to the next room so she can change" prince Dong Sun said and resumed eating. Amara and Min Joon both heaved a sigh of relief and Amara followed the manservant to the next room.
He left her alone and Amara stared at the hanbok in slight confusion, did they really expect her to wear it?

It wasn't difficult for Amara to figure out how to wear the hanbok but she wasn't pleased at all. How was she going to move around freely in such clothing. She tried kicking and found that her leg wouldn't go as high as usual, how did they expect her to fight in it.
Amara huffed and immediately took off the hanbok, she would never wear it!

Min Joon and Prince Dong Sun sat waiting for Amara to return, Daehyun left them claiming that he had to return to the palace to continue his training.
"Min Joon are you absolutely sure that Amara was with you all night,no matter how I think about it I feel like she was the one in my room" Dong Sun said.
Min Joon shook his head vigorously "Please believe me, she was def-"
"Hey!" Amara suddenly burst into the room, startling both men.
They were even more shocked to see that she was still wearing her revealing outfit.
"You scared us, what's the matter? Are you having trouble wearing the hanbok?" Dong Sun asked.
"I refuse to wear it, I can barely move around in it! How do you expect me to fight in that?" Amara said and folded her arms over her chest.
For a moment both Min Joon and the prince were silent, distracted by her legs and waist. Dong Sun had never seen a woman with such curves before, he was curious.
"Well you can't walk around like that you have to wear something to cover your body" Dong Sun said and cleared his throat.
Amara frowned and then stared at Min Joon, "I want an outfit similar to yours perhaps I'll be able to fight in that" Amara said and pointed at Min Joon.
"I have something you can wear, hold on" Dong Sun said and stood up, he walked towards a shelf in a corner of his room and took out a folded bundle. He handed it over to Amara and she unfoled it, staring at the outfit skeptically.
"Are you sure I'll be able to fight in this?" she asked and Prince Dong Sun nodded giving her a smug grin.
Amara left the room and Min Joon released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"I thought I was going to die" Dong Sun said and gently hit his chest as he sat down beside Min Joon.
"I can't believe that women walk around like that in her village, how do the men survive?" Min Joon asked and fanned himself.
Dong Sun grabbed Min Joon's hand and placed it on his forehead "I feel hot, do I have a fever?" he asked.
Min Joon smacked his forehead "Amara is off limits so don't even think about it, she's not a gisaeng"
Prince Dong Sun laughed "Hey Min Joon, I am Joseon's best playboy no woman can resist me"
"That girl is completely innocent, you can see it in her eyes" Min Joon said. Just then Amara walked in with a huge smile on her face, the outfit that the prince had given her was perfect.

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