Chapter 9

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Amara went back to the inn and found Min Joon waiting for her at the entrance. As soon as she got to him, her knees gave way and she fell into his arms. She hadn't realized how tense she was in the palace and how relieved she was to have left.
"Amara, are you alright?" Min Joon asked as he helped her stand up straight,his eyes searching her face trying to see what she was feeling at that moment.
Her eyes were glistening and she was shaking a little.
"Look at me, you're okay now. You're home, don't worry about anything anymore." he whispered as he pulled her close to him, he stroked her hair as he held her.
Amara took deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. She'd been reminded of the night she lost everything close to her.
The King's behavior reminded her of the man her father had served so loyally, the man that she'd bowed to as her King.
Min Joon led her inside the inn and they sat down at an unoccupied table.
They were joined by Min ji and her mother.
"How did it go, what did the King want?" Min ji asked.
Her mother gave her a reprimanding look and gently took Amara's hand in hers.
"You look so shaken, what's the matter?" she asked.
Amara took a final deep breath and closed her eyes momentarily.
"The King didn't ask me to stay in the palace permanently, only that I come whenever he calls me" Amara finally spoke.

"He offered me 500 nyang for each visit but I refused the money" she said.
"Are you crazy, that's a lot of money why would you turn it down!?" Min ji exclaimed.
"What did you ask for in return?" Seo yoon asked, ignoring her daughters outburst.
"I asked that he use that money to fund doctor Jangs clinic, his people are suffering because they cannot afford to get the medicine they need." Amara said.
"That is good and so thoughtful of you, the patients of that clinic will be so grateful to you."
"I also asked that.." Amara was quiet for a moment and looked at Seo yoon and her children.
"I asked the king that he return your status to you" Amara said.
All three of them stared at her with shocked expressions.
"What did you say?"
"Theres a lot of things you can't do because your status was taken away and you can't even identify as commoners or even slaves. Min Joon can't even become a scholar or take the exam, people don't visit the inn too often but now that's going to change. Things will go back to the way they were" Amara said.
Seo yoon stood up "Are you saying that the King agreed?" she whispered with tears in her eyes.
Amara nodded.

Just then, Officer Kim walked in along with two officials from the palace. One of the officials open a scroll and began to read.
"Choi Family, the king hereby declares you free of the punishment placed on you after the treasonous acts of the deceased former Prime minister. You have your nobility status reinstated, however your wealth shall not be returned. You will have to acquire your own" the officials bowed and walked out.
Seo yoon fell to her knees and sobbed, Amara, Min ji and Min Joon rushed to her side and helped up and back onto the bench.
She slowly stood and threw her arms around Amara.
"You are truly a blessing, you could have asked the king for anything and yet you chose to help us yet again. This is too much, how will I ever repay you?" she said amidst sobs.
"You don't have to repay me, helping people is my responsibility"
Amara said and smiled.

Officer Kim signaled for Amara to follow him outside which she reluctantly did. "You didn't tell me that you're a fighter"
"You never asked"
"Was there a reason why you did what you did at the palace? Is there something you're angry about?" he asked.
Amara sighed and stared Daehyun directly in his eyes "You lied to me about why you kissed me, the princes said you never had any alcohol so you couldn't possibly have been drunk. Why did you kiss me?"

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