Chapter 8

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Amara sat in the clinic staring at the entrance, it was almost lunch time and she wondered if Min Joon was coming or if she'd have to get lunch outside like the other nurses.
That wasn't what was bothering her though, she had a strong feeling that there was something she'd forgotten about the previous night. She ran her thumb across her bottom lip and frowned "I remember drinking with the boys and Officer Kim took me home but I feel like there's something else that happened. Why can't I remember?" she muttered to herself.

"Who are you talking to?" Min Joon asked as he walked into the clinic followed by Officer Kim.
Amara smiled at them "I almost thought you weren't coming, I'm hungry!" she exclaimed.
"Is food all you think about? Shouldn't you be worried about your patients?" Min Joon asked as he set out the food he'd bought for Amara on the wooden platform deck she was sitting on.
"The clinic hasn't been busy today, the few that have come in aren't too serious and doctor Jang asked me to let the other nurses handle it" Amara said as she checked the food that Min Joon brought for her, she pouted.
"Hey, you didn't bring any meat! How could you bring me just rice and vegetables?"
"Mother didn't cook any meat, I was upset too" Min Joon said.
"Thats not true, he finished all the meat" Daehyun said.
Amara glared at Min Joon while Min Joon rolled his eyes at Daehyun.
"I thought you were here to see doctor Jang, why are you running your mouth to Amara?"
"That reminds me! Officer Kim,did anything strange happen yesterday when you were taking me home?" Amara asked.
Daehyun shook his head "Nothing happened, you went straight inside when I took you to the inn" he said.
"Why are you asking, were you drunk too?" Min Joon asked.
"I was a little tipsy, you were so drunk that you passed out! Anyway I keep feeling like I forgot something that happened last night" Amara said and subconsciously stroked her lips with her thumb.
Min Joon pat her head "Just eat your lunch" he said.
"Doctor Jang is inside" Amara said as she started eating. Daehyun bowed and then went inside while Min Joon sat down beside Amara watching her eat.
"I can't believe you ate all the meat!" Amara muttered and frowned at Min Joon.
"I'm sorry I'll make it up to you I promise" he said.
Just then doctor Jang came out and signaled for Amara to come inside.
She raised her eyebrows at Min Joon.
"Did Officer Kim tell you why he wanted to see doctor Jang?" she asked as she stood up, Min Joon shook his head and stood up following Amara inside......

"News of you healing the former queen has spread and gotten to the ears of the King. He wants to see you" Dr Jang said. Amara frowned at the doctor and then at Daehyun.
"What does he want to see me for?" she asked.
"Perhaps to thank you"
"Oh please, why would he want to thank me for healing the Queen that he banished from the palace? Her son has already thanked me and she herself thanked me so why do I need to hear his thanks?" Amara said.
"It is a royal invitation, you have to honor it" Daehyun said.
Amara scoffed "And what happens if I refuse?" she asked.
"The King will have you arrested for disobeying a royal command"
"Royal command? I thought it was an invitation, am I being forced to accept this invitation now?"
"Amara please, I think you have to go to the palace and hear what the king has to say" Min Joon said.
"I will not go" Amara said.
"Disobeying a royal command can result in your death, do you still refuse?" Daehyun said and grabbed Amara's arm.
Amara turned and stepped closer to him, staring right into his eyes. Her face so close to his he could feel her warm breath grazing his face.
"Your King can send his entire army if he wants to, I'm not going to that palace. Do you think I don't know that he's going to ask me to be a royal doctor? I will not work for any royal family, not in this life time. Excuse me!" she hissed and pushed passed Daehyun, storming out of the room.

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