Chapter 12

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Amara sat in the prison cell they'd left her in and wondered why her ancestors had brought her to this land, she'd faced nothing but hardships since her arrival and had somehow managed to get her heart broken as well.
Amara hadn't been taken to the holding cell that she was when she'd been arrested for hitting the crown prince, this was actual prison. There were other prisoners but Amara was in a cell all by herself. Although she could see and hear the other prisoners, they seemed to be intentionally ignoring her or perhaps prisoners weren't allowed to interact.
Before being left in her cell, she'd been taken to a room and given a plain white hanbok to wear, that was what was worn in prison.
"What is such a beautiful girl like you doing in a place a like this?" A woman in a cell adjacent to Amara's asked, the woman seemed to be middle-aged and she shared a cell with three other women, they were slightly older than her. They all gave her curious glances but only the middle-aged woman had gathered the courage to speak.
"She is a foreigner, she doesn't understand you. She was probably caught without a permit" one of the older women said.
"No, I wasn't caught without a permit. The Prime Ministers daughter does not like me, she falsely accused me of stealing her bracelet" Amara said and faced the women directly.
They all scoffed "That chit and her father are still up to no good, ever since her father framed the former Prime Minister and had him killed!"
"Stop, don't say that! You will get into trouble " a prisoner from another cell shouted. The middle-aged woman who'd first addressed Amara chuckled "I am going to be in this cell until I die, what more can they do to me. Everyone knows it's true, why should we pretend?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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