Chapter 6

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Amara and Min ji stood in front of the mirror in Min Ji's room, admiring their reflections in the mirror. Amara watched Min ji smile and admire her hanbok, she looked really happy.

Amara had actually ordered several hanboks for Min ji along with jewelry and other accessories

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Amara had actually ordered several hanboks for Min ji along with jewelry and other accessories.
She only got one hanbok for herself because she was sure that this would be the first and last time she'd need to wear it.

Amara wore her hair back and she and Min ji had matching hairpins

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Amara wore her hair back and she and Min ji had matching hairpins.
She watched as Min ji applied makeup to her face.
" Aren't you going to wear makeup?" Min ji asked.
Amara wondered if she needed to, her mother had always encouraged her to use it but she never thought it necessary though she did own cosmetics.
"I apply cocoa butter to my face and body everyday so my skin is rather smooth. Maybe I'll just add some lip color" Amara said and quickly went up to her room.
She sat in front of the mirror and carefully applied Kohl around her eyes and on her eyelashes. Just as she stood up, Min ji walked in and smiled at her.
"I wasn't really paying attention to you before, you look so beautiful! Wait until my brother sees you" Min ji exclaimed.
"Min Joon? What's so special about him seeing me like this?" Amara asked.
"I think my brother likes you. Min Joon used to have himself surrounded by girls but I've never seen him look at them the way he looks at you. Mother even jokes about you and him giving her lovely grandchildren" Min ji said and giggled.
Amara laughed and shook her head "Come, we're going to be late. Do you have the passes?"
Min ji nodded and gave Amara her pass to Gahwadang and they hurriedly left the inn.

When they arrived at Gahwadang, there was already a crowd at the entrance and they had to wait in line to go in.
"Choi Min ji is that you?" a familiar voice said. Amara turned to find themselves facing Ji hwa and Shin hye. Min Ji smirked at them.
"Ji hwa, Shin hye it's so nice to see you. Did you hear that there's something really special being shown today?" she said animatedly. The two girls gave Min Ji and Amara appalled expressions.
"How on earth were you able to get passes and even the clothes you're wearing? Did you steal money from someone?" Ji hwa asked as they got to the entrance and showed their passes to the gatekeeper.
"Of course not, haven't you heard that my mother recently opened the inn. We've already had so many customers, it's like we have a lucky charm upon us!" Min ji said.
"Even so, it's still impossible for you to afford such expensive clothes and two passes to Gahwadang, admit it you stole money!" Ji hwa exclaimed.
" Contrary to your beliefs, I am not a slave. My father is a famed warrior, hired by many Kings to train their soldiers and lead them in battle. They all paid him handsomely and my father acquired a lot of wealth from these Kings. He died and I inherited his wealth, we did not steal anything. I'm just like you, spending father's money" Amara said and smiled at them.
"Why don't we sit together?" Shin hye said noticing that they were beginning to attract unnecessary attention. Ji hwa and Amara glared at each other icily but agreed to sit together. Amara only agreed because of Min ji otherwise she would've stormed off, she couldn't understand why Min ji wanted to be around these girls.
Gahwadang was like a large enclosed market place, there were stalls with expensive artifacts from all over the world and there was a large stage in the center, that was where big and special artifact and other wonders were showcased and sometimes auctioned.
The girls got themselves a table close to the stage and they were served tea.
"Our words must've hurt you last time, please forgive our rudeness." Shin hye said and smiled at Amara.
Amara shrugged "Not really, words don't bother me especially the words of people who don't know me" she said and smiled back.
"Well it is nice to see Min ji dressed so decently again, does this mean you'll be joining us for tea more often?" Ji hwa asked.
Min Ji nodded and smiled.
"What about you miss Amara?"
" Unfortunately I won't be able to join you. I work at Doctor Jangs clinic, he only let me come here today because I had already promised Min Ji. From tomorrow I won't have time to play" Amara explained. She suddenly remembered that she'd wanted to buy medicine.
"I will be right back" she said and left the table.
She was able to find the medicinal supplies and immediately placed an order after enquiring about the price, Doctor Jang was right when he said it was expensive.
"I would like to purchase one thousand nyang worth of medicine, please deliver it to Doctor Jangs clinic thank you" Amara said to the merchant and paid him the money, he nodded and immediately had helpers pack the medicine and send it to the clinic.

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