Chapter 7

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"Have you lost your mind? Why would you make such a request from Prince Dong Sun?" Min Joon asked as he and Amara walked to the prince's home. Amara sighed "For the last time,the prince insisted that he reward me for healing his mother but I already have everything I need so I thought this would be a good idea" she said.
"You could've asked for anything else, why this?"
"All of you are full of pride and nobody wants to take the first step so I realized that I had to give you a little push. Now stop whining and hurry up, I want to go back home and eat I'm hungry"

When they arrived at the prince's home, everyone was already there. Min Joon felt a little awkward seeing his three best friends sitting at the same dinner table again, it had been so long.
They bowed and exchanged greetings.
"I will be going home, please enjoy your dinner" Amara said and bowed again turning to leave.
"Where are you going?" Dong Sun asked.
"You have to join us for dinner too" the prince said.
"I can't, this is a chance for the four of you to catch up. I don't want to intrude" Amara said.
"Well I'm told it's thanks to you that we're all here so I think you should join us. It's a royal command" the crown Prince said.
Amara frowned and looked at the four faces staring at her.
"You know what happens when you disobey a royal command don't you?" Prince Lee Soo said and smirked at her.
Amara chuckled awkwardly and went to join them, sitting between the crown prince and Daehyun.
The first few minutes were uncomfortably silent.
"How is father?" Dong Sun asked his brother.
"You would know if you showed up once in a while, nobody asked you to leave" Soo said.
"I had to, they sent my mother away and I felt that staying there would be betraying her"
"Father asks for you, everyday" Soo said.
"I will come see him soon" Dong Sun said.
"Min Joon, your mother and sister... How are they?" Daehyun asked.
"Well you've been at the inn recently, you saw didn't you? They're just fine. Mother still wonders why you avoid us, nobody blames you. It wasn't your fault" Min Joon said without looking at Daehyun.
"You say that but you can't even look at me, how am I supposed to believe you?" Daehyun said.
"You jerk! My best friend avoided me for three years, I don't blame you but I'm angry that you abandoned me when I needed you the most!" Min Joon said.
"Do you think I wanted to? Do you know how difficult it's been to face you knowing what my father has done?" Daehyun said.
Amara pretended not to be paying attention and instead ate heartily.
"It already happened, we can't change it and you can't take responsibility for another's actions even if it's family"
"I don't understand why you avoided us Min Joon, if it wasn't for Amara needing clothes and a permit you'd never come see me"
"The child of a traitor hanging out with the prince? Are you crazy, why would you want to be seen with someone who doesn't have a status?"
"What an idiot, do you think we care about that? We grew up together,all of us. Why should we care what people think?"
Lee Soo tapped Daehyun on the shoulder "Look at the little man eat as if nothing is happening. We're all pouring out our hearts here and she's just stuffing her face" he whispered.
Min Joon glanced at the table and his eyes widened "Hey, you're finishing the chicken! How could you be eating so casually while we're talking?"
Amara looked at the boys peculiar expressions " I'm hungry, I wasn't there when all these things happened to you and I have nothing to contribute. I wanted to go home but a certain someone asked me to stay. Let me eat please" Amara said and reached for more chicken but Min Joon reached across the table and grabbed her hand.
"I think you've had enough chicken" he said.
Amara glared at his hand "Do you have a death wish, you never come between a woman and her food"
"Lets just eat, talking about the past isn't going to help us anyway. I think we should focus on the moment" prince Lee Soo said.
Min Joon let go of Amara's hand and she decided not to take chicken, there was a lot more food on the table anyway.
A while later,a manservant brought alcohol for them.
"Finally!" Min Joon said and immediately poured himself a cup.
"I see something's never change, you still drink alcohol?" Daehyun asked.
"Of course, and I can still out drink you any day"
"It was never a competition until you made it one, you always cause trouble when you're drunk" Daehyun said.
"Can I have some?" Amara suddenly asked. The boys looked at her,all seemed quite surprised that Amara wanted to drink.
"Have you had alcohol before?" Daehyun asked.
Amara nodded "My father let me have my first palm wine when I turned sixteen, although he didn't let me have much. I always used to sneak out with some of his subordinates and we'd drink wine and eat lots of meat, I was the only one who was able to walk home every time. I can handle my alcohol" she said.
They stared at her skeptically, anyone who bragged about being able to handle their alcohol usually ended up being the most drunk.
"Well, she's already had a lot to eat maybe she'll be just fine" Lee Soo said as he poured Amara a cup.
She bowed her head as she accepted the cup and drank.
"Look at that, who taught you so much?" Lee Soo asked her.
"Doctor Jang has been teaching more than just reading and writing, I know how to address people according to their status. Even how to bow before the King and Queen"
"But you speak so informally to my brother and I" Dong Sun said.
Amara frowned "Well that's because the both of you have tried to kiss me without my permission, I can only assume that means we're friends and don't need to be formal" Amara said and poured herself another cup. The alcohol was quite tasty and she was enjoying it.
"Be careful not to drink too fast, I know it tastes good but the alcohol is quite strong" Daehyun said.
Amara giggled "Don't worry Officer Kim, I will be just fine. I told you already, I'm a good drinker"

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