Chapter 4

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Amara groaned as she struggled to get a hold of herself, the man she'd fallen with was on top of her. "Get off me you idiot!" she said and pushed him off.
"Idiot? This happened because you wouldn't sit still how am I the idiot" the man said and got up. Amara stood up and dusted herself off, she looked up trying to see how deep the pit was, it was too deep for her to be able to climb out.
"I should've just listened to officer Kim, how am I going to get out of here? Hello! Is there anyone up there? Officer Kim I'm down here, hello!!" Amara screamed.
"Shut up, nobody's going to hear you from down here and with such a small voice, what an unfortunate man you are" the stranger said and went to a corner of the pit and sat down.
Amara glared at the stranger "The least you could do is apologize, I was just passing by minding my own business and you dragged me down!"
"Apologize? Why would someone like me apologize to someone like you, even though you're a foreigner you should know about class and status. You can tell from my clothes that I'm a noble man,why would I apologize to a common man like you"
"Why would a noble man be hiding from the royal guards, did you perhaps offend the crown prince?" Amara asked. The stranger cleared his throat and looked away from Amara. "Those men weren't actually royal guards, they're only dressed as royal guards. They are actually assassins and they were trying to kill me, you'd have led them right to me with all that shouting so I had to stop you!"
Amara sucked her teeth and looked around the pit for something that might help her but she couldn't find anything.
She dropped to the ground and sat crossing her legs. "I really should've listened to Officer Kim, I didn't even get to eat. I'm so hungry" Amara whispered to herself and rubbed her stomach.
She took a look at the stranger she'd fallen with, he sat with his legs close to his chest, his arms rested on his knees and his forehead on top his arms.
He seemed relaxed in this difficult situation, they were stuck in a whole and he wasn't even trying to get out!
She sighed loudly and threw herself backwards landing her back on the hard ground, she lay facing the sky.
She raised her hand up into the air to block out the sun in her face and noticed her mother's gold ring, she'd somehow forgotten about it.
Amara sat up and frantically looked around, there was a tree close to the pit that she could use, all she needed now was something to use as a rope. She looked down at her shirt, it wouldn't be long enough even if she cut it up. She stared at the stranger as he seemed to have dozed off, if she added his shirt to hers it would probably be long enough.
"Hey kidnapper, wake up!" she said.
"Kidnapper? Look here little man, I did not kidnap you now keep quiet I'm trying to sleep!"
"How can you sleep when we're stuck in a whole you should at least pretend to be thinking of a way to get out you arrogant airhead!" Amara shouted.
The man chuckled "You know you really shouldn't be talking to me so rudely, you'll regret it. Anyway I think best while I'm sleeping so be quiet and don't disturb me"
"Who are you that I shouldn't talk to you this way hmm? Listen you can sleep all you want just take off your shirt first" Amara said.
The stranger looked up at Amara with wide eyes "My shirt, have you lost your mind how can you even say that, what exactly are you trying to do in this place and in broad daylight?"
"I need it to get us out of here now take it off!" Amara demanded. She took off her ring and the stranger watched in pure shock as the ring turned into a golden staff.

 She took off her ring and the stranger watched in pure shock as the ring turned into a golden staff

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