Chapter 10

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Min ji sat with her friends at their regular table at the teahouse. Their conversation bothered her just a little.
"We have to find a way to get her out of the way, I will not lose the prince to that ugly brown wench!" Shin hye said. Ji hwa had just informed them that her servant girl had seen Amara leaving Prince Dong Sun's residence late at night and that she went there almost everyday.
"I really don't think you have anything to worry about, Amara will end up with my brother. It's most likely she just goes to the prince's home to treat the former queen " Min ji said.
"What makes you so certain?" Ji hwa asked.
"Well a while ago I was going up to Amara's room at night to give her some extra blankets but I could hear my brothers voice in there." Min ji said proudly.
Shin hye and Ji hwa gave her pressing looks, indicating that they wanted her to continue.
She blushed and cleared her throat
"Well, I heard my brother ask Amara if she wanted him to kiss her. I am very certain that my brother has feelings for Amara, I've seen the way he looks at her." Min ji said.
Ji hwa smirked at Min ji "Are you still in love with my brother Min ji?" she suddenly asked.
Min ji's face turned visibly pink and she turned away.
Shin hye and Ji hwa smiled at each other, this was perfect! They'd use it to their advantage.
"Well, now that the King has restored your status I will make sure that my brother marries you. You just have to make sure that Amara ends up with your brother. Do everything you can to bring them together " Ji hwa said.
Min ji nodded at Ji hwa eagerly
"You don't have to worry about it, Amara is as good as married to my brother " she said and smiled, the idea of being Daehyuns wife pleased her more than anything and she didn't want anything to stand in the way of getting her wish.

Amara had been visiting the prince for almost two weeks and her reading and writing was improving rapidly, she was a fast learner. Today they sat in the garden, even though it was winter, the day was a little warm.
She'd been practicing reading a simple poem when Daehyun walked into the prince's residence.
He bowed at the prince and greeted him, Amara pretended not to notice his presence.
"The King has asked for Amara, I was told that I could find her here" he said.
Prince Dong Sun frowned, he didn't like the idea of Amara going to the palace but there was little he could do about it.
"And here I thought you were here to see me, you haven't visited in a while " Dong Sun said.
Daehyun cleared his throat "We received word that there are people who want to harm the crown Prince, I've had to keep a close eye on him. Miss Amara we should be leaving now" he said.
Amara put the poem down and stood up, she bowed to the prince and smiled "Thank you for today your highness, I will practice some more at home and I'll return tomorrow " she said.
Dong Sun smiled at her and waved as she turned around and sat on the porch steps to put her shoes on. She walked out of the residence without even waiting for Daehyun.
"What did you do to her?" Dong Sun asked Daehyun.
Daehyun cleared his throat and bowed "I must be leaving now your highness "

Daehyun quickly followed Amara outside and saw that she'd walked passed the palanquin and was going in the direction of the inn.
"Miss Amara we have to go the palace now, we've prepared a palanquin for you." he said.
Amara stopped walking but didn't turn around
"I am going to the palace Officer Kim, I should dress appropriately. I cannot appear before the king like this, you should know that. You can fetch me at the inn" Amara said and resumed walking.
Daehyun walked towards her and touched her shoulder "You can be taken to the inn, in the palanquin. We must hurry please " he said.
Amara sighed and turned around without facing Daehyun, she went to the palanquin and climbed in.
Daehyun sighed and rubbed his temple, Amara really wasn't going to look at him or even talk to him directly. He noticed that she wasn't even wearing the shoes he'd bought for her anymore but a different pair.

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