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The next morning:

Yuu POV:

It was a splendid rest, unfortunately, the pill didn't last quite as long as I'd hoped. It's effect wore off around 4 am or so...too bad. It felt refreshing though. I certainly haven't slept like that in a while. Strange, isn't it? I still choose to sleep like a damn baby knowing full well my 'dire' situation. I noticed the moment she shuffled, Chitanda or rather...Azaki...? began her day at 6:00 on the dot. I didn't even hear an alarm. I suppose it's simply routine. 

"Since I'll also be serving as your tutor, I'd like to see where you are in your studies." 

I shot her a skeptical look. Tutor? She seemed to pick up on that and continued her explanation.

I have already obtained your records from your time at Hoshinoumi Academy in Japan but, since it's been over a year now, I'd like to reevaluate." She declared. "Any objections?" 

I remained silent, trying to figure out what she was getting at. What purpose could this possibly have? Is it a test to determine my intelligence? Perhaps how much my abilities interfere? Is she going to mention anything about them? She seemed to take my silence as a 'no' and proceeded, "Let's begin with algebra."

I slowly nodded, still unsure of her real objective. A certain ability granted me insane mathematical capabilities. I'm able to find the answer to any given equation as long as it's written down or spoken to me. Information is just programmed into my brain and I immediately know the answer and the process which led me to that conclusion. Sometimes I don't quite understand it though. Before my physical time was stopped I believed I shouldn't rely on my abilities to do everyday things and complete tasks because I wouldn't have them in the future but as they're permanent now there's no reason I shouldn't. Still...she doesn't know that.

"Please solve this."

I solved it.

"Very good, and this."

I solved it.

"Great, do you understand the basics"

I solved all of them, instantly.

"You didn't even..."

"It's one of my abilities," I revealed.

"Incredible...even so, you cannot rely solely on abilities that will disappear in a year or less." She scolded.



"Since you've done quite your fair share of traveling, it's safe to assume you are probably familiar with a few languages. What might those be?" She asked.

"I'm fluent in every existing language," I responded, bluntly.

"I see...that's impressive--for a brain to be capable of handling so much information. I can imagine that was helpful on your travels." She said. 

Why mention my travels? What sort of response does she want from me? I just stared at her. There's obviously no point to a tutor--she must know that--so then, what information exactly does she want and why obtain it in such a roundabout way? 

(Looks like I'm back huh.)

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