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"Shunsuke, Yuu is up and asking to speak to you." Nao informed over the phone.

"He is?" Shun paused. "His mental state is better than I expected then."
"I'm not sure...about...that...he, he doesn't remember anything, severe amnesia. When you found him he had just plundered the last ability. He has absorbed and taken control over all of them...causing his mind to go blank..." She explained, tears streaming down her face.
"Oh..." Shun replied.
"There's one more thing," Nao said, glancing back at Yuu who was sitting on the open window, his hair blowing in the wind. "His abilities are permanent."
"What?" Shunsuke asked immediately without processing her words. out. If that were true, it'd mean Yuu would be stuck like this forever.
"Just like I said, you need to talk to him yourself...and I recommend it as soon as possible." And with that Nao hung up. Thing is there's a lot Nao could have and probably should have said but it'd be nothing compared to having Yuu say it.


Yuu's POV

"I'm going home for today, I'll visit again soon." Nao said and left the hospital room.
"I see...bye." I said and glanced at the empty hospital room. I'm not injured anymore so there's no real reason for me to still be here but it's not like I have anywhere else to go. Not for a second had I doubted that that Nao girl was a good person but I just can't be too sure when it comes to everyone else and this facility. I may have lost my previous memories and experiences but that doesn't make me an idiot. I doubt the military units and countries from around the world will let the one eyed reaper off the hook. I happen to be the most powerful being in this world which brings about fear. They'll seek to destroy me at all costs which would inevitably put all these people who seem to know me at risk. After I get a better grasp on my situation, I'm not sure what I'll do...I can't live a normal life, not after what I've done and who I've become.'
Someone's here? Could it be the Shun, Nao spoke of? I used telekinesis to unlock and open the door. Still sitting on the edge of the window, I turned around.
"Yuu..." He said with relieved eyes. That voice is familiar, he's the same one from the helicopter that night. He doesn't have negative intentions and his mind is clear. I don't normally like reading minds but it's a standard practice for finding allies and enemies.
"Good afternoon." I greeted him.
"You aren't in bed...Should you be up?" He asked, patting down on the empty mattress.
"Ah, yes, I'm fine. It happens all the time." I tried to comfort him but he just looked more uneasy.
"Do you know me?" He asked.
"Afraid not, sorry." I replied. He looked and sounded familiar but there was something off about him. Ah, there it is. He's blind.
"Ok...." He frowned.
"How did you go blind?" I asked, hoping it wasn't a sensitive topic.
"It's a long story but I originally possessed the ability to time leap, which you now have but cannot use due to your eye. Every time I used it it took away a little bit of my vision." He explained. That's unfortunate. I wonder...
"May I try something, sir?" I asked.
"Shun, I'm your brother and of course." He corrected me. I got up and walked over to him. I placed my hand on his eyes and whispered, "Reverse...intensified heal..."
After gathering so many abilities, I discovered I was able to merge compatible ones to create more useful abilities. If I reverse the personal effects of his time leap and then heal his eyes and intensify his vision it should bring them back to normal or even above average.
"Blink a few times." I instructed him. He did.
"I can see....I can really...I can really see...."
He turned his head around and looked at the room. "I can see everything...Yuu...?" He came face to face with me and stared at me. "Thank you." He looked at me as if it was the first time ever seeing me, which probably was for a long time. It is true that there's not much I can really do with all these abilities and burdens anyways, maybe a part of me was just glad I could be helpful. Ow—-my aches again. What was I just doing? Who's this? Where am I? No...who am I...? What's going on? The voices, they're so loud. Get them out of my head! The voices...the voices...

Shun POV

"I can see....I can really see!" I cheered, it was a miracle. I stared around the room before landing on Yuu. Yuu...he's grown up so much. He seems so lifeless, no he looks traumatized—-he looks so pale and lost. I couldn't tell from his voice but he is really looking at me like I'm a complete stranger, unlike when he would look up to me when we were kids. I hate having him look at me like this. He just healed my long lost sight...and I'm allowing take him lock him up...I've failed as an older brother...but there's nothing I can do right?
Yuu's eye suddenly narrowed and he brought his hands to his head. He started panicking. What in the world is going on?!
"THE VOICES...STOP...stop, stop, stop!" He yelled in horror. What voices? The building began to shake and a purple light surrounded him, Collapse.
"Yuu! CALM DOWN! Yuu!" I called, trying to reach him. He didn't respond. Collapse quickly faded as if nothing had even happened and left an unconscious Yuu in its stead. What the hell was that? Is that normal? What voices...? Does this happen often;another side effect? Was that him losing his sanity?
"Yuu!" I lifted him up and placed him back on the bed. The bandages around his body unraveled, revealing a completely healed chest...healing? This is crazy...what...he isn't even human—-no, deep down he's still Yuu, he's still my sister's complex little brother, he's still...himself, right? Somewhere, deep down inside?

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