False Resolve

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Many still linger over the unanswered questions but now that abilities are gone, there is no longer as much demand as before to uncover these seemingly magical secrets. Society is, for the most part, happy everyone is 'normal' again, that they can receive a vaccine to protect their children and feel secure knowing the perhaps most powerful being in existence is locked up with the US military. If the public is satisfied, should we still poke the stick at the 'sleeping grizzly?' The higher-ups have, and still are debating what their long-term plans are for Otosaka Yuu. Though, unfortunately, I'm not high up enough on the food chain to take part in these discussions. If we remain under the assumption that Yuu Otosaka doesn't need to follow the same rules as other ability wielders, we're walking into a dark cave--knowing full well what awaits us is a beast. What other limitations might he not have? For all we know, he might not even lose his abilities when he ages! There are too many unknowns and man fears the unknown. Though Yuu has been almost surprisingly cooperative with me, who knows what actions he'd take should they attempt to force him into experimentation. Would he go hostile? And...what would that look like exactly? If it was mutually beneficial--him controlling his abilities, us learning from them--would it work? Or am I getting too hopeful? Silly me, I'm never this optimistic. The top brass, of course, wants it to look like they have him under control--and breakthroughs in limiting technology have been made over the years make that reasonable from an outside perspective. I mean, he can't use telepathy on me, now can he? There are restraints and countermeasures in place should he make a break for it--and yet, he hasn't tried. Is the technology working that well? Is he intimidated by it? I doubt it. I might not fully comprehend it as even our databases don't account for all of his power, but I do understand some of it--he could make a decent escape if he wanted, couldn't he? I suppose he doesn't actually want it. He's intelligent, that much is certain by now. He likely grasps his situation. Perhaps he's just accepted it? So far, all things considered, little action has been taken. I'll just continue doing my job until things start to move along for real. That's all I can really do. After all, It's not like I'm the one making decisions. I just see them through.

Ring. Ring. Ring. I snapped back to reality and glanced at my vibrating phone.
"What could he possibly need..." My eyes narrowing.

Yuu POV:

....Hm? Ah, the voices have quieted...and yet I still have a huge headache. Somehow I'd ended up on the mattress, I must have been moved? Chitanda... Realizing the restraints were attached, I sighed and closed my eyes. This is uncomfortable. There's no use complaining. This was the best course of action. If my hearing went out of control, it could trigger collapse, and right now collapse doesn't feel accessible--at least, not to it's full extent with these limiters. That's good. People won't die...what am I saying... I killed people. Was that really me? I didn't...no. I did. I killed dozens...hundreds of people. It was self defense, wasn't it? I was protecting children...they were being abused...but...what about the people who died? Did they not have children...Stop it, damn it. Leave it be. The past is in the past. Whatever happened happened. It's time to accept the consequences for you actions... You had good intentions and you solved a lot of problems. You did good...you did good...you did good. Staying put is the best for everyone, isn't it...for Ms.Tomori and all the kind people I met in Japan.

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