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Azaki POV:

Beep. Hm? An abnormal movement alert in room 03. That's where Otosaka is. Displaying no genuine concern, I casually dialed in my tablet password and opened the camera application. Upon glancing at the live feed, I noticed Yuu, who sat in the corner of the room, had his face resting in his palms. With the pristine camera quality and crisp audio, I could clearly grasp his unstable state--panting in an airconditioned room, no less. I stood up and began walking towards Room 03, keeping my eyes glued to the screen all the while. He gripped his shirt as if to distract himself from something. I noted as a small stream of crimson rolled down his lower lip. It seemed as though he was trying not to gasp for air or scream in agony.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" He yelled, to whom this was for, I remained uncertain.

Maintaining my composure in unknown situations has always been my specialty, always taking the right action when needed. This was why I was here--someone on standby. As my mind raced with an almost creepy calmness, my pace hastened. "Hey Tomo, Please access ability-related mental stress, backlash, panic attacks, and Yuu Otosaka's medical reports," I instructed my digital assistant, Tomo. Near instantaneously, files popped up by the dozens on my screen. I'm well aware, perhaps more so than most, wielders are often strained and burdened by their abilities. After all, I have personal experience...I need to get to the bottom of this. What kind of 'seizure' is this? How does he normally handle it? How frequently do they occur? These hospital records are limited. There is quite an abundance of news articles though. "Hey Tomo, translate files 8-27." What can I do to be of assistance?

I tapped in the security code on the door, which normally locked when closed, and walked in. I sighed in both relief and disappointment. I was a breath too late, he'd already been knocked out. However, this time was different. What I mean by that is, the last time he was asleep, a protective barrier naturally--or was it intentionally--formed around him. This time it did not activate and he was at the mercy of those around him. For example, it'd be simple to task to kill him in this state. Of course, that's not my job. After quickly checking his breathing and pulse, I made a report to HQ.


Otosaka Yu, 1:15 pm began showing hints of intense stress and unease. I assume these are ability-based relapses and suspect it's associated with a hearing ability gone rouge. 1:21, Otosaka Yuu is unconscious, knocked out from what was affecting him. Breathing, steady, pulse, average. Abnormalities, his barrier did not activate.||

It was the most basic of messages but they probably had more information than I did on the matter anyway.

I leaned down towards Yu. He was in a doubtful state. Wondering why he chose the floor, I lifted him onto the mattress and enabled the restraints. Better safe than sorry I always say. That sort of breakdown can often trigger an incredibly dangerous ability, collapse. Little is known about it. It was originally Ayumi Otosaka's ability, which Yuu here plundered away from her. The best-recorded course of action is to keep the user contained and knock them out should anything happen. Luckily you have a good 112.3 seconds to notice a purplish glow and prevent disaster. When you think about it that way, you could say I'm in constant danger, huh. Glancing back at Yuu, I returned to the documents I was reviewing. I proceeded to conduct a few quick tests and commence my research on his most prominent dilemma. For now, atleast.  

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