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"You must understand, he took the powers and burdens that came with every ability wielder in the world. In the process, it is likely that when he wakes up he...he won't be the Yuu he was when he left." Shun explained, solemnly. "The shock from plundering tens of thousands of abilities on his mind should have been fatal...yet he's it's only a matter of time before he wakes up," Shunsuke said to himself as he listened to Yuu's steady breathing. In and Out. 

"Nao, Yuu has returned," Shun told over the phone. Nao, who had nearly concluded that Yuu had died was on the brink of tears--something she didn't do often--hardly at all. There used to be news reports about the so-called, "One-eyed Reaper." Sometimes they'd even see video footage of him. He was so different. It was terrifying. Shun, Yuu's elder brother had tried to track him down and bring him back but they were always too late and he had already moved on to the next city, next country, next ability. The impact that those tens of hundreds of thousands of abilities and burdens on his mind and sanity were bound to be devastating but Nao still was hopelessly hoping to see him back to normal, as if nothing had happened. It was a fruitless delusion, she was well aware but she ignored it. She knew it was selfish and that she shouldn't expect too much. Yet, he was her lover so what else could she do but needlessly hope? She knew that the price to pay for saving everyone was having Yuu single handedly carry everyone's burdens himself. Was he ok? She wouldn't truly know until she saw for herself.
"I'm coming over immediately." She replied without hesitation. Whatever she had going on that day was insignificant compared to this long-awaited day.
"Just know, he's still unconscious. He had passed out in Beijing when we found him." Shun responded, with a hint of regret in his tone.
"I'd still like to visit, it's been over a year...I assumed the worst...with all the news and sightings that suddenly stopped...I just want to see him for myself." She begged.
"I understand. When you arrive, tell the nurse with you know me, otherwise, you won't get in. I'll inform them ahead of time too." Shun instructed.
"Understood. Thank you." The call ended with an eerie silence, no doubt due to the suffocating weights on their shoulders. "Yuu..." Nao mumbled.

~At the hospital~


"Hello, good afternoon." I greeted a nurse with messy, chestnut hair in a bun. 

She smiled brightly, her gentle emerald eyes calming my racing heart. "To you as well, what can I help you with, Ms.?" 

I gripped the flowers in my hands tighter and responded, "Room 204, I should have been granted permission by Shunsuke Otosaka." 

"Ms. Tomori, I assume?" She asked, quickly typing something on the laptop on her desk. I nodded. 

"Right this way," She guided me through the building to room labeled 204. 
"T-thank you." I stumbled. She nodded and proceeded to leave. For some reason, I felt hesitant to open the door. This was the moment of truth. I couldn't help but wonder, is he really in here? I twisted nob, and walked inside, paying careful attention not to make any noise. And then--there he was clear as day, Yuu laying in the hospital bed—asleep. I carefully placed the flowers on the small side table before directing my absolute attention to him. " Yuu..." I whispered and stared in utter relief and disbelief. His brown sugar hair was a bit longer than I remembered, I guess that's what you'd expect though. He was in standard baby blue patient garments. I noticed the many overlapping bandages around his chest. What stood out more though, were what seemed to be restraints placed all over his body. They were metal and connected to the wall with wires. What was their purpose? They kept him pinned down to the bed with no room to move. Did this have something to do with his abilities? Was he unstable? Momentarily putting those thoughts aside, I observed further. He still had the scar on his left eye--I wonder why that surprises me. His lonely expression was disturbing in a sense. He didn't look calm or at peace like one would usually appear while sleeping. He appeared to be in distress? His eye twitched slightly and he began panting uncontrollably. His hands began to shake. His breathing was so heavy. What's going on?! He's not ok at all...

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