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Maybe 30 minutes later she welcomed herself in again and collapsed on the bed. "So, you did loot every ability out there with your ability, Plunder. Isn't that something? At Least that's what I've heard. I've been told it took quite a toll on your mind so I understand if you cannot speak or...think correctly. It makes sense too. No one could really be in the right state of mind after something like that. It's a miracle you're alive. It does have me wondering why I'm also a tutor though."
That's quite a bold assumption. I'd rather not be treated like an idiot. 
I got up and sat on the bench next to the bed, my legs outward with my hands clasped in the center.
I stared directly into her eyes, expressionlessly. "I'm Yuu Otosaka, my memories aren't quite  intact but I'm more than capable of speaking and thinking." I introduced and clarified in English. 
"Huh?" She peeped but quickly recovered. "My apologies then."
"I won't say 'it's nice to meet you', considering the circumstances. " I admitted.
"I suppose I can live with that." She replied. "Well, you only have to be monitored here until when your abilities disappear." She added. Heh...yeah...I guess technically that's true... Even if my powers did disappear, I doubt that'd be the end of it...I mean, you could say I've made my fair share of enemies with the type of people who hold grudges for years.
I ignored the comment.

"Anyways, you hungry? It's been a long day of travel. They're providing everything one might need so there's food downstairs." She said.
I need not respond as the look on my face said it all. She seemed to frown ever so slightly before accepting my 'response', if you can call it that, and taking her leave.

Azaki chitanda POV:

I grabbed an apple and began slicing it. I was sure he wouldn't be able to What an incredible person. Wielding so many abilities. I'll have to ask him to give me a list sometime. Originally, I was hesitant to accept this job because of who or rather what he is but I think it'll prove to be an enlightening and interesting experience. If things go south, this could become dangerous. Still, HQ claimed I'm the best person so I guess I don't have much a choice, huh. He's so quiet though. Every time I triy to converse he just ignores me. I guess after what he's been through, gaining his trust is nearly impossible. Bored, I dipped an apple into some caramel sauce, making sure to scoop a big clump onto it. I have a sweet tooth. Licking the sticky caramel from my fingers, I opened my laptop and read through the accumulated files sent to me. They're all the reports on Yuu Otosaka found and translated. They provide background information on his abilities, whereabouts, and behavior. 

[Teenager with one eye loots abilities in New York]

[Germans murdered after confrontation with the Reaper]

[The One eyed Reaper destroys biology laboratory in Italy--which is later revealed to be doing illegal inhuman experiments on children.]
[Building crumbles, reason unknown, teen is found in the rubble unharmed, is this the loss of control?]
[One eyed Grim reaper sighting in India]
[$4,000,000 Reward for the capture of Yuu Otosaka]
[One eyed Grimm reaper seen in England]
[Chinese Charlotte Research labs admit their abilities have been plundered]

So many...I scan through the articles, each containing useful pieces of information. There's even some blurry images of him. That boy...he really did all this. And somehow I still have a hard time believing it. I was given access to all the security cameras set up in this home. I should check up on the "reaper" Let's see. He's sitting on the bed, firmly. He's not doing anything...wait, his lips are moving. I quickly turned on the volume.
"...well...this could've been worse, right?" He mumbled. "I want to sleep so badly..." He reached out his arm and out of thin air a small jar appeared. It seemed to contain some sort of pill. What the hell...what is he taking. He removed a pill and enclosed it within his hand. What was he doing to it?
"Maybe I could enhance the strength or speed up the process...or both..." He murmured and a slight glow lit up his hands. "There we go..."
He swallowed the pill and almost instantaneously collapsed onto the bed. What the hell? Damn it!
I got up and ran across the hall to check it out.
...melatonin? A sleeping pill... Does he really have trouble sleeping, of all things? Huh. Wow...he's out cold. He didn't look tired at all but I hope he gets some nice rest... I walked a bit closer only to be stopped by some invisible barrier. A force field?'s protecting him even while he's sleeping? I guess even he'd be vulnerable while unconscious.

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