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I don't even remember how many times I've been doing something and forgot how I got there, why I was there, what I was supposed to be doing, or even what my own name was...memories and information will just blur out sometimes. I loathe the confusion but I can't control it. All I can do is live with it and try my hardest to control and maintain Charlotte's abilities. Fuck. There it is again—-My hurts. I just don't, never did, never will have the capacity to handle this...and I have nowhere to run. I wish someone would just come to plunder my powers away from me. I wish someone would show me the way and give me hope, provide a path that leads to a bright future, or even just give me directions, that works too.

"Yuu...there's something I need to speak with you about." Shun declared after the other three of his companions fled the room.
"I'm already aware," I replied, having previously read his thoughts.
"of...? You mean...?" He asked and I nodded in response. "I'm sorry."
He shouldn't feel sorry. He doesn't need to apologize. I already assumed something like this was going to follow. There's simply no avoiding it. It's just whether I comply with their demands is the question...I neither want to spend my life confined to a cell, be treated like a lab rat or...worse-- nor do I what to cause Nao or Shunsuke trouble or put them in unnecessary danger. My being here will only put them at a disadvantage in the long run. Not to mention my adorable, yet unfamiliar younger sister.
"It's okay," I spoke, breaking the stillness. I also don't want to live my life on the run or constantly fighting...
I've completed my mission, I saved all the ability wielders in the world. It's only natural that this karma will come back to bite me sooner or later. There's no escaping the inevitable. I can't keep running forever. My fate was determined the moment I decided to plunder all the abilities.
"I'll go."
"Yuu, you can't be you know you know what that'll be like?!" Shunsuke yelled, losing his composure.
"Shunsuke," I began coldly, "Trust me, I have a pretty good idea...but, it's fine...I did some terrible things, I saved a lot of people and I gained a lot of power...this was inevitable." I confessed.
"...I...can't accept this...but, I understand" Shunsuke muttered, reluctantly.
"I need some time to think things over..." I said.

I've been informed I'll be 'moving' to the United States shortly. To be frank, I don't exactly have a great history with their government or military...this could prove to be more difficult than intended. Still, they're one of the countries that had an emphasis on ability user rights and freedom and their research laboratories were nowhere near as inhumane as others... A grim expression appeared on my face as I recalled some repulsive memories. So perhaps my worries are ungrounded?

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