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To: Medoki, Shichino, Maedomari
From: Shunsuke
Message: Urgent meeting in room 16 about Yuu


"That's quite the dilemma..." Medoki murmured.
"Indeed, he seems to just have amnesia but it's as if he's under constant physiological attack. Even know." Shun commented, glancing down at his younger brother that he could now see.
"But your vision returned! That's great! Shichino cheered.
"...at what cost...?" Shun whispered, barely loud enough to hear.
"How do we help him? There's nothing wrong with him physically." Maedomori asked.
"Every so often he almost goes out of control and then it quickly dies down...imagine the stress that causes." Medoki noted.
"In order to maintain all the abilities his mind must have sacrificed his memories...add all the disadvantages that all those abilities carry and Nao claimed that they were permanent, meaning they wouldn't disappear in a year." Shun explained, feeling guilty every time he looked at his dear sibling.
"How do we know it's permanent?" Maedomori asked in a calmer tone than expected.
"I was going to talk to Yuu about it...as you can see we didn't get to that." Shun nudged towards the hospital bed.
"Then we'll have to wait until he stabilizes again." Medoki states.
"He is dangerous. He's practically got god like powers. You've seen the news, he was attacked by so many armies and came out unscathed. If that permanent thing were true, is there even a place for him anymore?  People will recognize his face as the One Eyed Reaper too. It'll be un-safe for him wherever he is, some will want him as a weapon, others want to destroy him and some will want to dissect him." Shichino dropped the bomb, harshly. Everyone went silent and stared at the unconscious teen. The worst part was, he was right.

"About...that...Someone came to speak to me about Yuu today..." Shun began.
"Oh..." They all whispered, concerned.
"They're demanding that he be taken into their custody...many nations will keep an eye on him through this system...it's...but it's not okay...they can't lock him up...he's my brother...Yuu...I'm part of the reason he did this...I let him do it. I...I...I..."
"Shun...." Medoki mumbled at a loss for words.

Yuu's POV

That's right, the Indian girl had intensified hearing, she couldn't control it well and would constantly hear voices from all over the world, even the slightest sounds of the wind or a butterfly flapping its wings would exhaust her or make her pass out. She had been in a lab being tested or rather tortured for possessing this ability so I took it away and relived her of her suffering. She was grateful. Luckily, my mind was more mature and able to suppress and use that ability properly. Recently it began acting up for reasons I don't know. It's always extremely painful and I can never think straight. It's exhausting but it's part of the burden I must carry for the rest of my life endless I find a way to rid myself of these abilities or control them all. Somehow, I doubt either of those will happen and if they do it won't be easy.

"Yuu." A familiar voice called. The voices have quieted down. I can focus. I slowly opened my eye and tilted my head towards the strangers. They had intense expressions. Was it fear? Was it a concern? Was it hatred? Was it pity? Maybe all of the above. I sat up straight and looked at of of them more concentrated.
"Yuu, what just happened?" Shun questioned with a look of worry on his face.
"Are you ok?" An orange haired girl asked. She was cute.
"I apologize for having you worry. That was a side effect of a long range hearing ability I possess. I looked around at the room, cracks and slightly crumbled walls. Did Collapse activate again?
"Restore." I whispered and touched the wall. The entire building should have reset by 24 hours.
The four people stood there, looking at me strangely. They probably claimed to know me too, huh.
"Sorry about that as well...Do you mind? I have some questions." I declared.
"I'd assume so, we also have some questions for you, Yuu." The orange haired girl replied.
"First of all, who are you three?"
"...of course, I'm Medoki, that's Shichino and he's Maedomari." The orange haired girl, Medoki introduced. So far no ill will and no lies. All set.
"Nice to meet you. I presume this is a hospital."
"It is, we found you collapsed in Beijing, China." Maedomari claimed. I remember that. "Yeah...she was the last one." I sighed and stared out the open window.
"The last...as in..." Shun mumbled.
"The last abilities wielder in the world. The. very. Last. One." I answered.
"So, you really...managed to plunder them all..." The blond one, Shichino said.
"That includes those without abilities who were only exposed to Charlotte so no new ones will be popping up." I clarified.
"How...in the heck...did you pull that off?!" Shichino looked shocked.
"Hm...somewhere along the way I gained an ability to make diseases worse, since this was technically a disease I worsened it, had the abilities show up and plundered them." I explained, each person in the room listened diligently to what I had to say.
"Also, since you're wondering. These abilities are absolute. I will be stuck with them and the burdens that come with them for the rest of my life. In other words, they are permanent." I answered their question.
"I suddenly feel very uncomfortable with him and his telepathy around." Shichino murmured, I don't blame him at all though.
"So it's true." Medoki sighed.
"Yuu, for the amount of stress you're under and for all the abilities you have...you speak so normally." Maedomari noticed.
"Is that so?" I replied, not quite understanding what he meant.
"But you look so out of it..." Maedomari added.

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