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"Otosaka, Shunsuke, older brother of Otosaka, Yuu. I need to have a word with you." A tall, rather lean man in a uniform declared. He had clean, short wheat-colored hair and had a bold, bussiness-like atmosphere around him. Without notice, he approached Shunsuke in the hospital room.
"You aren't authorized to be in here." Shunsuke stood up, abruptly. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he observed the man who had so rudely intruded. 

"I'm simply here to relay a message, I ask that you please comply." The man said, his words betraying his tone and the ferocious scrutiny in his eyes. Whatever he was here to say, he wasn't politely asking. No, this was going to be a demand--almost certainly backed by influence and power.

"That is Otosaka Yuu, I take it?" He said and glanced at the unconscious boy that lay, motionless on the hospital bed. 
"Yes..." Shunsuke replied, bitterly, not approving of the man's use of 'that'. "Now, what's this about?"

"I'm John Daniels, representative of WACAO. The Worldwide Charlotte Abilities Organization has decided action must be taken immediately regarding Otosaka Yuu, commonly known as the 'One eyed Grim Reaper'. After realizing his power and instability, the heads concluded the most beneficial course of action would be to take him into custody so each nation within the WCAO may receive updates and restrain him. He is viewed as a threat and a valuable resource. He is far too dangerous to be permitted to be in society, too little is known of him and he cannot be utilized for military purposes. I trust you understand the implications." He briefly explained.

Shunsuke stared at the man in disbelief. Reluctantly, he understood the rationality in the decision but he couldn't stand for it. He'd finally--no, Yuu had finally achieved peace, they could finally all be together and these people wanted to take him away and what, lock him up, test him? "Declined." Shusuke rejected.
"Pardon? That was not a request. That was an order." The man clarified and whipped out a signed document. "If you don't hand him over, we'll take him by force."
" now..." Shunsuke murmured. "When you speak of custody? Do you mean to tell me he'll be kept in a cell? Yuu...yes, you must realize he could escape from there if he truly desired to."
"That may be the case. Though advancements in ability limiting technology have been made, in fact, there are some specially designed for him, too little is known to be overconfident. Which is why we ask that you, his family, and guardian consent." The man explained.
"Why would I ever agree to something like this?" Shusuke snapped.
"Calm down, Otosaka."
"...I apologize. I lost my composure there...even when Yuu wakes up..." Shunsuke glanced at his younger brother. "There's no telling how different he will be...if he can speak, if he recognizes me..."
"Understood. Regardless, we request your compliance." He replied.
"Though you claim I am, I am in no position to make this descion." Shunsuke declared.
"Very well. Still, this is no a decision. This has already been decided. We intend to relocate him to the United States housing facility on April 4." The man stated.
"—so soon..?" Shunsuke whispered.
"He's currently in this hospital. Transporting now would be most manageable."

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