Chapter 8

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Thursday had not come fast enough. For the first time in his life, Geoffrey was glad to be punctual. He could pull Caroline aside and get help. He couldn't help but feel like there was some internal need to marry this year. Sure, he had time to marry, many men of the ton waited until they were nearly thirty, but this year felt special for him. He wouldn't call himself fully spiritual, but the best way he could put his feeling was that it was a divine need for him to be married by this year. Like God had blessed it.

Geoffrey felt sadly relieved when he saw Caroline arrive alone with her sister and parents. There was still a chance she was with Savant... maybe he was just running late... but it was a good sign for him. Pulling his friend over by the arm he whispered, 'I still need your help."

"It didn't go well with Suzannah?" Caroline asked honestly,

"I must say it did not. Within your efforts to not spread rumors about others, you left me to find out some of Miss Fields' less likable qualities once we were already out."

"I'm sorry" she replied, looking downwards."

"She told me I was too feminine in my pursuits and interests," he said much more quietly.

Caroline looked shocked, "Oh I had no idea she would be so harsh with you. I really am sorry Geoffrey."

Wanting to remain gentlemanly, Geoffrey asked, "And you? How is it going with Savant?"

He watched as she continued to avoid eye contact with him, "He's... He's not much of a talker. He made me feel like I was a blabber mouth, if I am to be truthful"

Geoffrey noted how much of a parallel that was to his own situation.

"I suppose you want me to suggest someone else to you?" Caroline asked, finally making some eye contact.

"If it is not too much trouble." he responded, nodding. "And I will return the favor"

He watched Caroline's head look around to the different guests arriving. He couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. He knew the rumors that her mother was one of the most eligible ladies of her own season- a diamond of the first water- and clearly some of that beauty had been passed down to her. If their two families had not been so close, he would consider courting with her, but something was holding him back respectfully.

"Have you met Dawn Chase? She's American, but still very high society. Her parents moved there right before she was born, but moved back very recently. Some complaints about the president or so."

"I've met a few Americans that have felt the same way" Geoffrey replied. "I think their first mistake was leaving the monarchy to begin with."

"I can't say I agree with you" Caroline said honestly, "but I would recommend not saying that to her if you chose to marry her. Even if her parents are English, she is very patriotic for her home country. Other than that," she bit her lip, "I cannot think of anything negative about her."

"I really appreciate your help Caroline," Geoffrey started to walk away towards the American maiden, but then remembered his part of the deal, "My brother," The words slipped oddly from his mouth. For someone who could not bring himself to ruin the friendship between their parent's families, he had just volunteered his brother to possibly do the same thing.

Maybe it was a mental slip. He knew his brother had no intentions of marrying this season, but something made him want to mention William. It could be the hope that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It was a selfish thought that he couldn't quite place. No... maybe he could... If things didn't work out for her or even himself, they could spend the rest of the season together plotting out each other's romances. It was nice to have a friend at these occasions, it made the whole thing less scary.

"William" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "I thought he was away at university?"
"No. He's back now, and while he's expressed a greater disinterest in getting married this year, I am sure someone as kind as you could change his mind."

"He sounds like a better match for Belinda" Caroline joked, "maybe they can be unmarried together"

"Those two? They'd practically kill each other. Don't you remember a few years ago when our families took a joint holiday to Naples? They almost broke a nearly 200 year old painting." Geoffrey thought back on the trip fondly.

It was a year before he was to start university, and throughout the entire trip all of the younger children followed him around asking questions.

"I suppose you are right," Caroline said.

"He's hiding over there, by the food." Geoffrey said, "You'll be able to see him stuffing his face with cookies and other pastries."

He watched Caroline turn away, and crossed his fingers that neither match would work out for them.

"Caroline!" he called out before she had fully left his sight, "Thank you again for all your help."

She turned back towards him, "It's the least I could do for a dear friend."

Stretching his arms out and adjusting his jacket, Geoffrey made his way to his next match, the American maiden.

"Miss Chase" he said, bowing, "It is a pleasure to meet you"

Despite what he already knew about her, the rhythm of her voice shocked him when she spoke. She looked exactly like any other British lady, but her voice was so sharp, not necessarily in a bad way. "A pleasure to meet you sir" she curtseyed

"I was wondering," he cleared his throat, "If you would do me the honor of sitting with you tonight?'"

Dawn smiled at him, "I would simply enjoy that."

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