Chapter 11

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That evening Caroline tried to understand what William had said earlier. What did unless mean? Unless she was not going to ever marry? No, Geoffrey had made it clear that any man would be blessed to have her. Unless William did have feelings for her? No that didn't make sense. Unless she was in love with Geoffrey?

"Am I in love with Geoffrey Wyatt?" she said to herself as she used the privy. She hoped no one had heard her. She couldn't quite answer it. He was her friend, and she enjoyed being with him, but that didn't mean love always. Did it? She felt like she needed guidance from someone. Not Belinda, she would make some kind of joke and accidentally make her feel bad. Not her mother. She would hate to get her mother's hopes up for nothing to come from it. Come to think of it, she hadn't even considered the possibility of her being in love with him, but him not feeling the same way. No, she needed someone who had experience with young love. Someone who would not gossip.

"Mother, do you suppose I could go spend a few days with Amelia?" She asked her over dinner.

"You'd have to ask her," her mother replied, "You could send over a note tonight. Are you alright?"

Caroline swirled her fork through her mashed potatoes. "Yes, I just am in need of some time and I think spending some time with little Charles might be good for me."

"If you're in need of some time with a little one, you might as well stay here with Edward." Belinda teased

"Last time I took care of him, he bit my hand" Caroline said, "Nearly left a scar"

"Well, he is two. Children are always wicked at age two," her mother took a sip of her wine, "Not you though Caroline, you were wicked at one. More of that notion that everything Belinda did you had to do. Practically drove your father and I to bedlam."

"Can you imagine how wicked, Charles will be? With his parent's short tempers," her father said

"And his grandfather's own rakish nature, he will be a force to be reckoned with" her mother interrupted.

After her meal, Caroline penned a quick note to Amelia.

"Dear sister.

In need of some guidance, may I stay with you for a few days. No more than a week. Please let me know soon. I can have a trunk packed within an hour.

Your dearest Caroline"

Folding the letter three times, she hurried to give the note to one of the drivers. "Could you deliver this to the viscountess Joliffe. And if you could, could you not leave until she has written a response? I do hope it isn't much trouble"

"No issue at all miss," the driver took the note from her.

Caroline paced around her bedroom trying to address the issue herself. She had already packed her trunk so now she had nothing to do but to think. Her brain battled with itself. She didn't need to marry now, but she could if she wanted to. Also, what was love? She had told herself she would marry someone she was friends with, but were she and Geoffrey too close of friends? Part of her thought that she shouldn't even be worrying about this at all. Geoffrey could not feel the same way as her. Or did he?
"Miss?' there was a knock at the door. It was the driver from earlier.

"Yes?'" she tried to pull herself together.

"A note from the viscountess, miss. Your sister, not your aunt or grandmother" the driver stuck his hand through the slightly open door.

She nearly ripped the letter from his hand, so in need of having answers.

"Dear Caroline,

Robert and I want nothing more than for you to come visit. With the season in full swing, our only constant company has been the baby, (Who you can guess does not talk much) I do hope everything is well with you. See you soon!

Viscountess Amelia Joliffe"

The words brought comfort to Caroline. She picked up her trunk and hurried to catch up to her driver, "Could you please take this to our carriage, I will need to go to my sister's house, but I need to say goodbye to my parents before I leave."

"Yes miss" he took the trunk from her.

"I'm going to Amelia's for a few days" Caroline began speaking before she made it to her parent's shared office. She began to turn the knob when she heard her father call out, "Just a minute."

Caroline heard her mother say something quiet and then the sound of a chair being moved.

"You can come in," her father said

Caroline turned the knob slowly, and noticed her mother try to fix some errant hairs. Caroline knew what she had interrupted, and from her mother's face she knew that they knew too.

"I was just going to say that I'll be with Amelia for the next few days." Caroline tried to keep it brief. "I will send you some letters, but I shouldn't be gone for more than a week. I'm going to help her with the baby." Caroline slowly retreated backwards.

"Do make sure you are home in time for our ball on Friday. It would look very odd for one of the hosts' daughters to not be in attendance" her mother answered.

The air felt awkward, so Caroline took a second step backwards, "Yes of course mother."

Scurrying out of the room, Caroline went outside to the carriage. It was getting dark, and the sky had a beautiful purple haze. Getting into the carriage Caroline took a deep, clear breath, hoping that this trip would help her find some answers. The sound of the whip hitting a horse cracked in her ears, and it was time to go. 

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