Chapter 13

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In the nearly two days that Caroline had spent at her sister's home, she had not yet managed to ask Amelia for her help. She wasn't purposely avoiding the topic, she was simply enjoying her time. Her nephew was only a few months old, but Caroline could see how wise he was already. And watching Robert and Amelia interact with each other so lovingly made her heart swell. It felt as if she was going to a play and watching the actors fall in love with each other every night. Sure Robert and Amelia fought from time to time, but it was never too vindictive. She was right to assume that it was more of an intellectual debate then any hatred. It wasn't the kind of love that would work for her. But it did work for Amelia.

"Amelia," she finally felt ready to talk with her sister one morning. They had initially decided to go out on a picnic, but the inclimate weather kept them inside, "Can I ask you something?"

Amelia, who had just called for tea and was working on one of her watercolor paintings responded, "Of course"

"How did you know you were in love?" she felt a weight lift off of her shoulders as she spoke.

"If you have to ask someone then it means you are in love" Amelia said confidently, "I asked mother the same question almost one year ago. If you have to question a new feeling, then it's likely love."

Caroline nodded.

"Are you going to tell me who makes you feel this way?" Amelia said, while dancing her brush across the canvas. It reminded Caroline of when she and Geoffrey had been dancing not so long ago. She yearned to dance with him again.

"Lord Wyatt. Geoffrey, the elder brother" Caroline confessed.

"I see" Amelia said nonchalantly.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Caroline was hurt by her sister's remark.

"Caroline Bassett, I have never heard you so defensive in all your life." Amelia exclaimed, "You must be in love."

It took Caroline a moment to realize such a thing. "But I do not know if he feels the same way about myself. I've been helping him find a suitable wife all the while I have been falling in love with him. For all I know he may have already fallen in love with someone else. I might die if that is the case" She felt dejected immediately.

"My my," Amelia tapped the end of her brush to her chin, "You sound as mischievous as I did"

"I never kissed a man I wasn't engaged to without a chaperone" Caroline replied sharply.

"Not yet you haven't." Amelia answered, 'But there you are again with that sharp nature. You must be in love. You'll need to talk to him."

"When?" Caroline asked

"Well, I can't have you staying here idle in thought. And moreover, I don't think I can wait to know what happens next between you two. You can stay tonight, but I must send you home in the morning. Once you are home you need to speak to him... And write to me at once. I have not had this much fun all season!" Amelia clasped her hands together.

"It is easy for you to be excited," Caroline said, feeling her palms wet with sweat, "You're the one who isn't venturing out into a possible unknown."

"Caroline. You are a wonderful person, If he does not feel the same way, then he must be an idiot. And besides, you know father will deal with him if he hurts you in any way" Amelia tried to speak words of comfort.

Caroline shook her head, "I'd hardly want that to happen"

"And what are you ladies talking about?" Amelia's husband Robert said, coming into the room.

"We were just talking about how my father would kill anyone who tried to hurt one of his children."

Robert rubbed his neck, "Yes, I am fully aware of that fact. I take it that you have found someone, Caroline? That might be the best news for me, your father will maybe leave me alone."

Before Caroline could answer, she heard someone calling her name from outside. The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't imagine who would be calling on her at her sister's home.

"Did you hear something?" Robert asked, and Caroline suddenly felt simultaneously relieved but fearful.

"Caroline" she heard the voice again, and it was much louder. Looking out the window she noticed none other than Lord Geoffrey Wyatt running towards her, soaking wet.

"My God, is that Geoffrey?" Amelia said, her head appearing right over Caroline's shoulder, "I'm starting to think you have your answer."

Caroline felt butterflies in her stomach, "I'm going outside to talk to him"

"It's pouring rain out there, you'll" Amelia couldn't finish her sentence, as Caroline bolted her way to him.

Outside, the rain tickled her skin as she got closer. "Geoffrey, what are you doing here?" she said

Geoffrey tried to catch his breath as she grew closer. She noticed his chestnut hair looked almost black when wet from the rain. He put his hands on her arms, "Caroline. I had to... I needed to... My carriage broke down just down the road... But I needed to...."

"Catch your breath, everything will be alright" she said reassuringly.

She watched him compose himself. "Caroline Bassett, I love you. I didn't realize it soon enough. I went to your parents to tell you, but you weren't there. So I came here. And I understand if you do not feel the same way, but I just needed to..."

Caroline felt such relief from hearing that, "Who said anything about not feeling the same way? Oh Geoffrey I came out here to figure out what I would do if you didn't love me the way I love you." Her dress clung to her skin, and while she knew she should feel cold in this weather, she was warm within his grip.

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