Chapter 20

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My goodness he had done it, Geoffrey pridefully thought to himself as he kissed Caroline for the first time as her husband. He thought back to the beginning of the season, when she was no more than just a friend. How had he been so ignorant to the perfect choice right before him? He wouldn't waste time kicking himself for his mistake, instead he would spend every day fully examining how perfect she was. Her lips were sweet up against his own, and he wondered if they had been kissing for longer than what was considered socially acceptable. He couldn't care less.

Once they finally parted lips, Geoffrey whispered, "I love you" into Caroline's ear, "I wish I could take you away right now"

"And miss out on cake?" Caroline seemed earnest in her response, "I hear from one of the cooks that it is very good"

Geoffrey couldn't help but laugh, "I suppose cake is good. Though I thoroughly believe you are sweeter"

"You flatter me" she answered, Geoffrey noticed the pink in her cheeks

"I intend on doing so for the rest of my life" he answered.

Caroline had been right, Geoffrey thought, the cake had been very good. Beyond its taste, he couldn't help but smile when Caroline got a bit of the sweet frosting on the tip of her nose. Using his index finger he brushed the frosting off and placed the finger in front of her lips.

"Oh my," Caroline answered, "I don't even know how that got there."

"Well, if one of us must have an egg on our face... Well in this case frosting, it should be me. I can't have my wife looking like a fool." Geoffrey took his index finger and rubbed it on his own nose.

"And I think it would be better if neither of us look like a fool right now." Caroline stood on her toes, "Let's clean this off shall we?" She kissed the tip of his nose, using the tip of her tongue to remove the leftover frosting. Her gesture made him sting with expectation. "You could have just used a napkin" he said, trying to hide his arousal.

"That wouldn't have been any fun, now would it?' Caroline answered playfully, "Now let us greet our guests as husband and wife" she lent out her delicate hand to him and he gladly took it.

It hadn't taken Geoffrey that long into their relationship to realize that Caroline did just the right amount of talking for their relationship. This didn't seem the case as they paraded around the room that evening meeting members of the ton. Geoffrey noticed how Caroline seemed so proud to be married, which in turn made him all the more proud. He wanted to remember her this happy forever.

It hadn't evaded his mind that there was a chance she could one day slip into melancholy like his mother had. He knew he couldn't stop it from happening, if it did ever happen, but he promised himself he would do what he could to make her feel better. In these very hypothetical times, he would have to rely on memories of moments like this one to keep themselves together.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so happy" Geoffrey let his thoughts slip out of his mouth,

"I don't think I've ever been this happy" Caroline cheerfully replied, pecking his cheek. Music swelled in the ballroom of the Wyatt manor. Geoffrey watched Caroline's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Shall we dance?" the couple said, nearly in unison.

"I think you read my mind" Geoffrey said pulling her gently back towards the center of the ballroom.

"Or you read mine," Caroline teased back.

Their bodies moved in perfect motion, like water flowing down a stream. Geoffrey held Caroline closer than he had ever done before as Caroline nearly placed her head on his chest. He felt as if he was the luckiest man in all of London that night, and he hoped everyone around him knew it. He looked around looking at all the young men in attendance tonight. Geoffrey partially pitied them, as they would likely never find someone as perfect as he had.

The newlywed couple danced nearly four dances straight.

"I do hate to complain," Caroline said as the fifth song started up with a bass player hitting a low C, "But would it be alright if we rested for a moment? My feet are dreadfully tired."

Geoffrey glanced downward at her feet, the tips of her one shoe just barely exposed by the ruffles of her dress. It drove him to madness, and desire, wanting to see more of her leg. More of her.

"Yes, I do say my feet are starting to pain me, myself." Geoffrey led his wife over to a table. God just thinking about the words "my wife' made him feel like the luckiest man in the world.

"I am so lucky to have you" he caressed the back of her hand.

"And I you." she answered in the most melodic manner.

It must have been nearly three by the time the last guests left. As for Geoffrey and Caroline, they lay idle with packed suitcases. They would leave for Surrey tonight, and find some lodging along the way. He figured they'd make it to Surrey by mid morning tomorrow, unless something completely reasonable kept them late.

"I'm so happy for you both," the duchess said, giving each of them a hug, "I am happy to call you my son in law"

"Thank you, your grace" Geoffrey nodded, "for that compliment and for letting me marry your daughter."

"That wasn't my decision" The duchess answered, "that was purely Caroline."

Geoffrey turned to look at his new wife, admiring her charm and beauty. 

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