Epilogue 1

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France was lovely, and Geoffrey had begun to kick himself for never going before. It was always sunny in France, or at least being with Caroline made him feel as if it were so. She took to the language so naturally to the point where she seemed as if she was a native French woman.

Geoffrey, on the other hand, had not taken so well to the language. He had studied Latin growing up, which did not seem to help at all when they were making conversation with different people. They had been out in France for nearly two months after an earlier trip the year before for only a week (they had been forced to come home after Geoffrey had gotten ill with some stomach issue), and he still found himself only capable of asking for water and the time, not that he could even understand what time it actually was.

Caroline, God bless his wife's pure heart, had been the most patient tutor. She had been practicing words every night, yet they did not seem to stick in his mind,

"And what do we say when we are meeting someone of high rank for the first time"

The words escaped him, "Merde?"

He saw Caroline hold in the urge to laugh, and then compose herself, "I would certainly hope you wouldn't." She gave him a reassuring smile, "Enchante"

"Enchante" he repeated slowly.

"There you go" Caroline clapped

"I know French descends from Latin, but I cannot seem to make those connections when I speak."

"Well then, when the baby is old enough, we shall get him or her a French and Latin tutor. Kill two birds with one stone, to use the violent phrase"

Geoffrey had to take a second to comprehend what his wife had said, "The baby?"

"Oh yes. I seem to be at least a month late, so I took the liberty of seeing a doctor this afternoon while you were taking a nap- le petit somme, and he confirmed that we should be parents by the spring of next year."

Geoffrey's heart nearly skipped a beat, "A baby?' he excitedly repeated. He stood up from his seat to give his wife a hug. "You haven't seemed ill in the past month or so"

"Oh I've had the occasional headache, but you know how I hate to complain"

If he hadn't been so excited, he probably would have expressed his disappointment in her keeping quiet. But a baby, especially one that came from a woman so perfect as Caroline, had to be an angel sent down from God. "We will have the most wonderful child a couple can have."

"We'll have to stop traveling" Caroline said

"Not necessarily," Geoffrey shook his head. He loved seeing Caroline blossom in France. Only a criminal would take that away from her. , "A global education can be good for a child. An opportunity for exposure to languages."

He watched Caroline smile, 'I suppose you are right, heaven knows if she or he is related to you, they'll need some help with French at the least"

"Lady Wyatt, I do believe you are poking fun at me." Geoffrey laughed, "I don't think I've ever heard you talk that way about me."

"I blame it on the baby" said sheepishly.

" I think I like it" he bent his head down and talked to her stomach, "that just means we have a spunky little one in there. Daddy loves you" 

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