Midnight Brawl

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As you leave your shared room with Natasha, she receives an angry phone call from Wanda who informs her that you are cutting it thin with making it to the reservation. Wanda's irritation causes Natasha to pick up her pace, as you follow suit.

Upon arrival, you cannot help but notice an overwhelming sense that you were being watched. Natasha sensed your nerves and assures you that it was Avenger's anxiety. She explained that your life practically exists within the walls of the compound, any outward experiences seemed extraordinary. You trusted her, it made sense. So, you pushed the feeling aside.

Sitting down at the table felt awfully formal for both you and Natasha. Perhaps this was Wanda and Vision's ideal high end Edinburgh restaurant but you could tell Natasha wasn't feeling it, nor were you. However, without verbal agreement you'd be damned if you allowed yourself to assume any of the assassin's emotions. The waitress came to take your orders and both you and Natasha struggled over an intricate French food name, even though you were both fluent. As she walked off, you caught Natasha leering at the woman.
"Wow. Subtle, Romanoff."
She unglued her eyes from the behind of the waitress to raise her brows at you.
"As Bucky might say 'don't be so jealous, sweetheart." came her mocking reply.
"Judging by that awful impression of James, it appears that only one of us here is jealous, Nat, and it certainly isn't me."
You were lying and you knew it.
"Y/N, nobody calls him James. Since when were you and Bucky on a 'James' basis. I'm not even fucking jealous I just..."
Her hurried justifications fell short.
"You just ?"
"Never mind."
The waitress returned with two less than satisfactory bowls of food. This time, Nat does not ogle her as she did previously. You stare directly at her face until the waitress departs.
"I don't have much of an appetite." she utters, finally after many minutes of thick silence, slouching in her seat.
"I do, just not for this." you reply.
She snorts. Immediately you identify the sexual innuendo she is so childishly finding humorous.
"Very funny, Natasha. Now I'm gonna be honest, I really don't-"
Did she just...hush you ?
"What ?"
"Y/N. Please be quiet."
Is this woman serious. The audacity of some of these Avengers is unbelievable. Before your scolding thoughts can progress any further, you notice her troubled look.
"Nat ? What's going o-"
"I think you were right earlier, Y/N. Someone is here for us." She claims as she interrupts your speech again.
Before you can continue, Natasha looks down at her phone.
"We need to go."
"What ? We literally just got here."
She stands and leans over the table, her face just inches from yours.
"We need to go. Now."

As Natasha walks off, you stand and place a £50 on the table in the hopes that this covers what was bought. You hurried after Natasha who was making her way to the bathroom. As you shuffled in, she jammed the door behind you and pulled out two duffel bags from the fourth stall.
"What the fuck are these Natasha. Don't tell me Stark is exporting drugs now, huh ?"
She doesn't laugh at your jest. She unzips the bag and hands you a widow suit, much like the one you wear back in New York.
"Wanda is being tracked too."
"What ? You couldn't have opened with that."
She remains unamused by your nonchalant inclinations. You both strip in front of one another, yet remain undistracted in each other's presence.
"Vision is off the grid. Where he is, we don't know. But we have to go. Now, Y/N."
Natasha pulls the suit over her shoulder as you nod in agreement, your face showing concern.

You barely roam the streets for 10 minutes before your transmitter picks up Wanda's location. You tug Natasha's arm and lift up your wrist to show her before you both make a run to the hotspot. You arrive at the station where you find Wanda on the opposing platform, perched over an injured Vision. Before you can reach them, the Black Order make their way to the couple.
You run towards Proxima Midnight, leaving Natasha to see to Corvus Glaive. You jump across the tracks, narrowly missing a spear thrown by Midnight, who you face with Wanda. Without Wanda's support, Vision groans in pain, gripping the bars of the fencing to steady himself as he attempts to ease the discomfort.
"Wanda, go."
"No, Y/N I'm not leaving without-"
"Wanda please, take Vision and go."
She nods, a silent thank you as you run toward Glaive. Natasha runs opposite you, ripping Midnight's spear from the floor and hurling it to you. As Glaive leaps, you press the spear straight through his abdomen as he falls limp, gasping over you. You pull him off by his neck and tear off his armour with your free hand, pushing the spear further through his body - allowing it to pass through both sides. You watch as Natasha brawls with Midnight across the station. She strikes Proxima square, causing her to lose balance. You take the opportunity and launch the spear en route for her body. She falls faster than expected and you only manage to brush her stomach - still drawing blood.
However, as she hits the floor, the spear falls into her hand. She blasts Natasha. You watch as she falls onto the tracks and goes limp under the concrete ledge.

You look over to Midnight, worried tears pricking your eyes as you lift Glaive with your arm holding his head between your hands.
"I don't want to kill him, but I swear to God I fucking will."
Midnight laughs. A shrill laugh. Condescending.
"Just so you can save your little girlfriend ?"
"You go. Now. Or I will turn his neck."
Overhead, a Q-Ship appears and both Midnight and Glaive ascend into the air - the spear disappearing with them. As soon as Corvus had been removed from your hands, you run to an unresponsive Natasha.
Wanda had re emerged from the shadows, with Vision, slightly less mangled walking with support by her side.
You lift Natasha into your arms and hold her there, chanting her name over and over in attempt to wake her. Wanda rushes over and holds the back of her head tightly, blood coating her fingers. Natasha groans slightly as you peel back her burned suit, revealing numerous open cuts and wounds.
"I can take her." you tell Wanda.
She looks apprehensive at Natasha's state.
"I promise I can take her, Wanda, I just need to go now."
"Okay, okay just...I'll come to you tomorrow."
You nod her off as she leaves again with Vision.

You haul Natasha into your arms and run as quickly as you can back to the hotel. You pass bystanders who look vacantly at you speeding through, but you pay them no eye. Tears trickle down your cheeks, yet the wind of your sprinting dries them before they hit your jaw.
You burst through the open doors of the hotel and leap up the stairs, skipping three steps at a time. You hold Natasha's head in your neck and beg for her to wake.
"Natasha please, please baby wake up, please..."

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