Little Things

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A bright morning sun spilled through the parted curtains, illuminating the edges of Wanda's face just right as you came round slowly - still wrapped in her arms. Your movement beneath her stirred her awake as she shuffled herself closer to you, as if that were possible. You gazed up at her, noticing her smooth, pale skin in the light as she yawned sweetly, stretching her free arm. Her stare met yours.
"That's weird."
You shook your head in agreeability. You had both slept the night. This had been a first since Wakanda, personally. You were unsure about Wanda, but her reaction indicated that this was also new to her.
She rolled over you, now straddling your waist as she supported herself on your shoulders. You weren't used to physical contact out-with Natasha, and occasionally Bucky. Yet this felt oddly natural, you weren't uncomfortable, finding your hands drifting to hold the woman's waist.
"Cmon. We need to get out and do something today."
You groaned at her request, much preferring the thought of another day in the compound in front of the television.
"I'm not asking !" she shouted playfully, cupping your cheeks.
Reluctantly you sat up, grabbing her as you stood, her legs remaining bundled round your waist as she waited for you to carry her out.
"Breakfast first, I suppose ?" you asked, questioning her intentions for the day.
She nodded, giggling into your neck as you ran with her in your arms down the hallway, rushing to catch the lift. You gently dropped her once inside, pressing the button for your floor. She took your hand, leaning on your shoulder as the lift descended.
"Food is ground floor." she stated confusedly.
"I gotta change."
Your eyes faced the floor, concentrating on the ash plaster beneath your feet.
"Do you mind going in and getting something to wear for me ? My duffel of outfits has out and I don't know if I'm ready to face my room. It's okay if you-"
She interrupted your anxious babbling.
"Sure. Don't worry about it."
The elevator came to a halt as you stepped out hand in hand. You waited nervously as Wanda made her way to your room, entering as she looked back at you - grinning assuringly.
You twiddled with your thumbs as the minutes passed. You hoped that the room wasn't too messy. Perhaps she was having trouble deciphering your garments from Natasha's.

Just a moment later, she waltzed out holding what looked like an entire wardrobe in her arms.
"This will last you hopefully." she stated, dropping the load into your grip.
You let the pile fall to the floor before pulling your top over your head, searching for a replacement in the pile as you crouched over in just your bra.
"What are you doing ! Doesn't Steve stay on this floor ?"
You giggled at her as she stared down at you, mouth hanging open.
"No. Not anymore." you spoke between laughter.
"He requested a switch after Natasha moved up here with me. I think we were...too loud."
Her hand was rested over her mouth as she grinned at the vulgarity.
You stood, holding a white shirt and fresh bra.
"Go on. Turn around."
Wanda pouted at your request, furrowing her brow, before turning. Suddenly, you experienced a familiar deja vu - an imminent reminder of your night in Edinburgh with Natasha. You sighed before unclasping your bra, quickly replacing it with a fresh one before doing up your shirt. She swivelled mid way through your changing process, clearly impatient, catching a glimpse of your healing stitches as your shirt fell.
"Woah. I did a pretty good job of them."
You hummed a response, as you stepped into some casual dress trousers, Wanda running her fingers along the closed cluster of stitching.
Once changed, you turned to her, ruffling your hair.
"We ready ?" you questioned.
"Absolutely. You clean up nice by the way."

After a relaxed breakfast, Wanda excused herself to change, forcing you to wait for her by the exit for her return. As you stood idly by the glass, Tony passed you with Pepper. He was still thin, pale but appeared to be improving.
He squeezed your shoulder as he walked past,
"Glad to see you out, kid."
Pepper beamed at you, following Tony just a few steps behind. Wanda suddenly made herself known behind them, stood in a loose fitting, short white dress holding two tote's in her hands.
"Where exactly are you taking me ?" you question, unable to decrypt the meaning behind her attire.
"Beach day ! Cmon, I got us a car."
She walked through the doors as the heat spilled through, only a light breeze picking up and airing through her dress.
"Wanda, I'm hardly dressed for the beach."
She scrunched her nose at you, tossing the second tote.
"What do you think is in the bag ?"
Rolling your eyes at her, you joined her in the backseat, silently wishing it were Natasha grabbing your hand. At least your mind would be elsewhere, you thought.
You gazed out the window at the passing scenery as the driver sped to the coast, Wanda's hand resting on your upper thigh, squeezing occasionally to catch your attention is she saw a bird or something unusual on the roads.
"I've not been to the beach in years, y'know. Not since I was last with my family." You turned to her, slouching back in your seat as you spoke quietly.
"And when was that ?"
You shook your head, a little embarrassed.
"I can't actually remember."
She slid down beside you, undoing her seatbelt, laying her head against your legs as she lifted her own, letting her feet hang out of the open window. She was now laid across the seats, looking up at you as you matched her gaze, your right hand easing against her stomach as the left ran through her hair.
Just minutes after adjusting to the position, the car came to a slow halt and the driver opened your door, waiting for your departure. Wanda squealed a little in excitement, which you found rather sweet. She practically leaped over you, pulling you out of the car herself, thanking the driver before dragging you off.

You felt the hot rays beating down on you, which didn't discomfort you as you enjoyed the heat and particularly liked getting a tan. Small gusts of wind danced along the sand, occasionally cooling your flushed cheeks as you trudged alongside Wanda, looking for a place to set up. Finally, she stopped and fell cross legged into the sand, waiting for you to follow. You looked down at her, the bright daylight making her eyes glisten, accentuating the reddish tones in her hair, and for the first time in a while - you didn't feel so down.

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