The Next Move

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Stumbling out the car exhaustedly, you take Wanda under your shoulder, making your way through the compound. You dump your things in her room, under unspoken agreement of the sleeping arrangements for tonight.
"I'm gonna shower.' she places a gentle kiss on your forehead before walking off.
Your stomach grumbles as you lay back on the bed. Perhaps you should eat something.
You change then leave the room, planning to return before Wanda is out, making your way to the ground floor. As you step into the main dining area, your eyes meet Pepper. She is sat alone at the table, sliding around the contents of a salad in a bowl while flicking through a magazine.
"No Tony ?" you inquire, making your presence in the room known to her.
"No, not tonight. He's working on something with Steve. Thought it was best I stayed out their way. What brings you down here ? No Wanda ?"
You pull open the fridge and stare intently at the choice inside.
"She's showering."
Opting for a yogurt and some strawberries, you grab them with a spoon and take a seat next to Pepper.
"You two seem to be growing pretty close."
She nudges your shoulder as you take small spoonfuls from the bowl. You hum in response, slightly unamused by the observation.
"Are you staying in her room again tonight ?"
You looked up at Pepper, finishing your mouthful before talking.
"How did you even know that ?"
"I came by the lounge the other night to check if you were okay and you weren't there. So I looked around a little and that's where I found you. Wanda's room."
You nodded skeptically, feeling a pool of ill emotion form in your gut.
"You two are sweet together."
Pepper's words reignited the very reminders that Wanda had been distracting you from. A tear rolled gently down your cheek as she wiped it away with her index finger, immediately noticing your change in tone.
"I'm sorry to keep pressing you, sweetie. I just really need you to talk to me about Natasha. You haven't spoke to me since Tony came back."
You allowed yourself to melt into the woman's arms.
"I just miss her, Pepper. That's all. I don't know what to do with myself. Wanda...she makes me happy. She takes it all away but, I'm sleeping in her room. I'm holding her at night. Fuck, I even kissed her today at the beach..."
Pepper grinned at you, a glint of sympathy staining her gaze.
"...I just feel like it's happening all over again. I'll lose another. And another. Until I have no one."
Pepper caressed your head, your emotions spewing out of you. She said nothing, and you were glad. There was nothing she could say. All she could do was offer you her embrace, and that she did.
Your pity party was interrupted by Wanda entering the room.
"Is everything okay ?"
She stood sheepishly in the doorway, twiddling her rings as she usually did in awkward situations. You rose from your seat and gave Pepper a final hug. She held your cheek, wiping a tear away with her thumb.
"You aren't gonna lose any more. I promise."
You nodded. Pepper had a way of making you believe whatever left her mouth, and now was no time to dispute it.
You made your way over to Wanda, who flashed you a concerned look.
"Oh, Y/N. Are you o-"
You cut her off, pushing yourself into a hug.
"I'm here...I'm here." she repeated quietly into your ear as you sobbed into her shoulder.
"I think I should go to the training room."
Wanda pulled back from you, examining your face.
"If you're not ready..."
"When will I ever be. I just need to try."
She nodded and took your hand as you both wished Pepper a goodnight. A thick silence followed the air surrounding Wanda and yourself. Your stomach turned as you entered the elevator, Wanda pressing the floor for you. The ring of arrival burst through your ears, somewhat bouncing round your brain. You stepped off, gripping Wanda's hand tightly as you forced your feet forward. Finally, you stood, hand in hand with another red head in front of the black doors. You wasted no time, afraid you may back out, pushing them open and stepping inside. The familiar air of the room wafted over you, a mix of leather and plastic blended with the smell of past trainers against the wooden flooring. You made your way over to a bench. Wanda followed, just a few paces behind you. You sat, holding your head in your hands noticing a stray water bottle in the corner - stood next to the boxing ring.
The metal outers had an N etched into the side. It could only belong to one person.
Wanda stood before you as you turned up to face her, your lip trembling in pain as tears raced down your cheeks. You made no noise, only pointing to the out of place bottle and shrugging, slouching against the wall as you sniffled repeatedly. You leaned forward into Wanda's lower stomach as she ran her fingers through your hair.
"When will it stop hurting ?" you struggle for words as you turn your head up to her.
"It doesn't."
She peers down at you, her bright green eyes softened in the hue of the night - the moon shining through the open windows of the training room. Her lips were a supple, sweet pink and her face showed genuine care for your tears. She wiped them away with her thumbs, holding your cheeks in her hands as she held your eye contact. You stood slowly, holding her in place by her waist so that your body slid against hers. You surpassed her face, towering over her slightly as her breath was heavy, wavering against your neck.
"W-what are y-" she whispered, breathlessly, as tears continued to whittle their way down your cheeks. You lifted her chin with your first finger, so that she was looking up at you.
"You're still crying." she pushed your tears away again as you moved your arms round her waist to the small of her back, tugging her into you further.
"I know..."
You leaned forward slowly, teasing her lips with your own as they brushed upon one another. Wanda's breath hitched at the contact, her breathing heavy and slow as you pushed your tongue into her mouth, slowly, taking her, devouring her in your kiss. She shook her head, lips still connecting with yours.
"This is wrong." she spoke lustfully into your mouth, unable to undo herself from you.
"So." you spoke back as she melted further into your grasp.
She finally kissed you back, your heat mixing with one another as you pulled back and forth in the dark hall.
"I need you." she spoke, voice hoarse with arousal as she nipped your neck.
"In me."
Her desperation was enough. You lifted her onto your waist as she clasped herself round you, pulling your shirt up as she went. You kicked the door open with your heel, backing out, uncaring of the prospect of onlookers as she stripped her layers. You moved to the elevator, leaving a trail of discarded clothes behind. You pushed her against the back side as the lift ascended to Wanda's floor. She slid down off your waist, frantically undoing your belt taking the zip of your jeans in her fingertips and pulling down slowly. Your trousers sagged, hanging loosely at your waist, exposing your lower stomach and the waistband of your underwear. She whined at the sight, running her hands down your front as you sucked marks into her collarbones.
"Touch me." she begged, pushing your hands down her waist.
You smirked at her desperate pleas, slowly pushing your middle and fourth finger into the hem of her underwear, lifting it slightly, before running them round her waist - only just touching her groin.
The elevator came to a halt, the doors sliding open. As you pulled Wanda round, you turned, noticing Rhodey - eyes wide in the opening.
He slid out the way as you giggled into Wanda's neck while leading her into the hallway.
"Sorry, Rhodes !" she called back, stumbling backwards through her doorframe, unbuttoning her trousers as you knocked the door closed behind you. She slid back into the sheets as you climbed on top of her, steadying yourself with your hands on either side of her head. She pulled you down into a deep kiss as she wrapped her legs round your waist, pressing herself into you.
"We shouldn't..." she spoke into your tongue.
You huffed lowly into her mouth, a sexually sinister grin forming on your lips as she ran her fingernails down the length of your back. As you raised your hand to her cheek, you felt a dampness stain your fingers. You lifted her head slightly to meet the light and noticed that her eyes were pricked with tears.
"Wanda ?" she shook her head, pulling your jaw back towards her.
"No, Wanda, what's wrong ? C'mere, darling, what's wrong ?"

She allowed you to lift her into your embrace. Her tears ignited a couple in you, which ran stray down your cheek.
"It never gets better. Does it, Y/N ?"
Her voice is raspy, quiet, as she weeps softly into the crook of your neck.
"It hasn't for me."
You wish you could've given her a different answer. However, you didn't want to lie.
You crawled over her, laying flat on the bed as you tugged her arm, ushering her towards you. She lay down as you pulled the duvet over your intertwined bodies.
"Is what we're doing wrong ?"
She looked up at you, taking a moment to ponder your question as you pushed a stray tear from her eye.
"No...who else do we have ? I just don't think we're ready."
You agree with her through a hum, kissing her head lightly as she gently drew shapes with her fingertips into your chest. After just minutes, your eyes fell heavy, as did Wanda's. Her breathe dropped, her chest rising and falling slower by the second as she drifted into sleep.

You followed shortly, the slumber encasing you in the protection of Wanda's body.

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