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Once again, the morning flooded in, Wanda waking at the same time as you. She kissed you softly on the mouth as you looked up at her. Despite last night's action, there was no tension between you. No awkwardness. You lay tangled in one another, barely clothed in silence, basking in the light of daybreak that shone through the window.

"You gotta come here. Now."
Steve had burst through the door, a rushed look on his face pulling you out of bed with Wanda. He ripped off the sheets, paying no eye to the little clothing you were both sporting.
"Get dressed and get downstairs."
You stood quickly, curiosity coursing through you as he sped out the room. Wanda threw on some random clothes scattered on the floor, as did you, before taking your hand and leading you out. You tapped your foot nervously as the descending lift turned your stomach. When you hit ground floor, the doors slid open and you noticed a much larger crowd surrounding the main table than usual. Everyone in the compound was here.
"Scott ?" you spoke quietly, stepping slowly into the room. He turned his head to you from his position at the foot of the table. At the sound of your voice, the cluster of others all turned to you simultaneously. He briefly embraced you before holding your shoulders at arms length.
"I think there's someone else you'd like to see."
Scott rose from his seat, rubbing your arms with his palms as the group split to either side, revealing a familiar red head - her legs in a basket as she sat atop the table.

"Didn't you miss me ?" she smirked, holding her arms out for you.
You ran to her, pulling her off the table and into your arms, holding her tight to your chest.
"Natasha ?"
"It's me."
She pulled back, pressing her lips to yours.
You slapped her arm playfully as she sarcastically winced in pain.
"Don't you dare leave me, ever again."
She giggled into your chest, resting her forehead on you as she wrapped herself in your embrace. You held her there, in a state of disbelief that she was truly back.

"Hey, doll." came a deep voice from your right.
Bucky gave you no time to unravel yourself from Natasha before embracing both of you in his arms.
You rested your head against his shoulder, the three of you sharing a moments peace with one another.
Upon pulling away, you scanned the room for others.
"How are you here ? Did everyone come back or...?"
Tony turned his face from you, his hands pressed tightly together, so much that his knuckles had turned white.
"Scott could only bring back two. There wasn't enough time or Pym particles in the quantum realm for him to find everyone." Steve explained from across the room. Your question was therefore answered and by Tony's manner, you realise that Peter was still yet to be found.
You look back at him, noticing that Wanda had taken the seat adjacent. They nod at you with a grin, yet you can see the glint of loss stroking their eyes. You felt somewhat guilty that you had been allowed Natasha and Bucky to re enter your life, whereas Tony was left without Peter. Wanda without Vision. Before you could speak or utter a sympathetic apology, Natasha grabbed your hand, leading you out the room.

"Wait, Nat." you stopped her at the elevator as she keyed the button. You were elated to see her, yet knew you had some admittance to deal with.
"I have two things to admit to you before we go forward."
She nodded for continuation, as you cleared your throat, ridding yourself of nervousness.
"Firstly, I haven't been in our room since we left."
She smirked at you confusedly.
"It's probably a mess, just a warning."
You laughed through your words.
"That's okay. It was a mess before anyways, so it won't be much different."
You screwed your face at her before settling - your anxiety reigniting at the thought of the second confession. A silence had fallen as you entered the lift, Natasha's hand in yours as it ascended.
"Go on then, whats confession number two."
She giggled before catching a glimpse of your expression, her laughter subsiding. A look of concern swept her face as you stopped her outside the door to your room.
"Uhm...I kissed Wanda, a couple times. Nothing more happened but..."
Her countenance remained stern, you were afraid to look at her as your eyes fixed on your foot tapping the floor.
"That's alright. I get it."
Your head shot up to meet her gaze. Her eyes were understanding, a small grin forming as the corners of her mouth upturned. You were unsure at first by her acceptance - this wasn't like Natasha.
"I used to kiss her too. Before you or Vision were in the picture."
She laughed as you bit your bottom lip, trying to conceal the hypocritical jealousy that washed over you.
"Anyways, I can't be mad..." she explained,
"you thought I was dead and we have a lot of lost time to make up for, so."
She touched her lips to yours, backing into the room with her hands tugging your hair. Upon entering, you were both taken aback instantly by the mess, pulling away from one another to examine the room.
"We should probably sort this first."
You nodded in agreement, laughing lightly before picking up numerous clothing items from the floor.

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