Sudden Departure

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You waken in a better than usual mood, to Natasha rolling over your front, kissing your nose.
"Morning, baby."
You grinned wide, a non verbal display of your delight at the name.
Holding her waist close to you, steadying her position atop your stomach, you kissed her lips - softly, solidifying your feelings towards last nights events. You go to kiss her harder as Natasha's phone buzzes on the nightstand.
"Are you cheating on me ?" you joke.
She scoffs at your ill-humoured quip.
"After last night ? That's not on the table."
As she leans over you to grab the phone, you allow yourself a moment of silent pride at the fact you had pleased her.
"Oh, it's Wanda." your newfound lover turns the screen to face you.
"Tony's called her back to New York with Vision."
You raise your brows at her.
"And us ?"
"We leave tonight."
Returning to the compound isn't a big deal really. You would always have to, but some part of you felt as if you could only have Natasha in this way, if you weren't cooped up with the others. Perhaps you're worried that it is the separation from normal life that had brought you together. Or maybe you're worried that the rest of the team simply won't be able to handle the reality of you two in partnership. You wouldn't blame them. After all, you left as rivals and are now returning as what ? You weren't certain, but you were aware that whatever you were now, was a long shot from what you were when you left.
Natasha sensed your sudden uncertainty at the mention of returning.
"Hey, Y/N." She curled her hand, stroking you cheek as she propped herself up so that she could face you suitably.
"Nothing needs to change. I just gotta step on my pride a little and admit that, maybe, I don't think you're all bad and we'll be fine."
You snigger at her jest and choose to believe her. Speaking honestly she was the one in control, and however she wanted this to pan out is how it would.
"I guess we need to get ready then."
She pouted and climbed atop you again, her hands steadied on the pillows on either side of your head.
"Not yet."
She grinned down at you widely - not being able to help yourself, you pulled her down by her waist placing another soft kiss on her lips before grabbing her to stand up.
Her legs wrapped round you as you held her, walking through to the front room as you planned to ready your belongings. As she slid down you, the moment was interrupted, again, by the hum of Natasha's phone.
"Why do they never think to call me ?" you asked, semi joking, semi not as she left you alone to take the call.

Only a few minutes pass, your duffel stuffed messily with your clothes, when Natasha opens the bedroom door - hanging out as she speaks.
"Slight change of plan..."
You wait for her continuation.
"We gotta go, like, now."
You nod at her and stuff your remaining items into the vacancies of your bag and tow it over your shoulder, signalling that you were prepared to leave.
"Come on."
Natasha grabs your arm and you leave the hotel room without second thought. You think about questioning her haste, but the stern look sweeping her face puts you off. She slaps the keys down at reception and walks off even faster than before. You struggle to keep up.
"Hey, Nat, I don't wanna be annoying but...what's going on ?"
She hushes you at the hotel exit and takes your hand.
"We just...we need to go."
You take that as a queue not to press further.
She pulls you through the doors and you walk quickly, following Natasha, unknowing of the final destination - until you reach the station. Walking through to the opposing end, you reach a section of open space where Natasha drops your hand to move you both out of plain sight. Overhead, a Quinjet appears. Natasha turns to you, pressing her lips tightly together.
"Our ride home."
You want to joke, but the sudden appearance of Steve and Sam to collect you both, is an indication that something is wrong.
You step aboard first and place your hand out for Natasha, pulling her up and allowing her to walk before you. Steve flashes you a perplexed look.
"Either you developed manners over this past couple days or someone has warmed up to Romanoff over there."
She turns at the mention of her name.
"The fossil speaks ?" you reply.
You hear a hearty laugh from Sam as he pulls you into him from behind. Steve playfully rolls his eyes.
"Missed you kid."
You smile at them both before returning to Natasha, who's dour appearance has not recast.
"So, what's going on ?"

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