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For once you wake before Natasha, laid on your side curled into her shoulder. Her hand caressing your healing wounds. You roll up, your breath catching at the sting of stitches. Natasha wakes immediately at the sound.
"You okay ?"
You smile and lean into kiss her, nodding.
You don't tell her, but you feel something is wrong. There is an unusual aura to the day - an unsettling feeling that you're foolishly choosing to ignore.
You stand at the foot of the bed stripping the little clothing you sport, pulling on loose joggers and a fresh white vest. Natasha stretches her arms above her head, still under the covers.
"I'm not ready to get up."
You admire her for a moment as she looks up at you.
"That's okay. I'll bring you something."
You exit the room and make your way over to Wanda, who turns to you grinning. She holds your catsuit, folded neatly in her hands. Holding her arms out to you she gestures for you to take it from her. You smile widely, taking the suit, noticing she had sewn up the shreds.
"Thanks, Wanda. You didn't have to do that."
She nods at you, ruffling your hair slightly and turning to return to her room. You pick up some fruit and a water bottle, scooting your way back to Natasha. She's still entangled in the duvet when you return, rubbing her eyes as she slowly comes round for good. You chuck the fruit down on the bed, alongside the water and strip before pulling on the leg of the freshly patched suit.
"Um, you don't seriously think I'm gonna let you go back out there after yesterday." She speaks to you from the edge of the frame.
You look up from your position as you adjust the leg length to your ankles.
"Quite frankly, darling, I don't need your permission."
You crawl onto the bed, hands between her legs, and kiss her lips - your suit still resting on your waist.
She pulls back from you and holds your face.
"But your back. You need to let it breathe."
You pull the duvets from her and yank her up, forcing her to get dressed.
"Trust me, Nat, it will. Also, what are you so worried about ? Can't you protect me, hm ?"
She smirks at you, open mouthed with her eyebrows raised - sarcastic offence at your sardonic comment.
"Course I can, and I don't like what you're insinuating when you tell me you'll let your stitches breathe."
She pulls you toward her by the material of your catsuit, still positioned round your waist. You planned on leaving it there, making your way round in a bra until they were in shape enough to be covered. Clearly, Natasha wasn't so fond of this plan.
"Cmon. Don't you wanna show me off ?"
Another cocked brow from Natasha, as she left the zipper of her gear slightly short of her chest, exposing far more than you'd like to admit you were okay with. You took the zip yourself, between your first finger and thumb, pulling it in order to cover her assets. They were reserved for you only. She creased at your display of jealousy.
"Only fair if you cover up too, baby."
You nodded in defeat. It was only fair. You sauntered over to a pile of clothes next to the bed and fished out an oversized t shirt, pulling it over your head, letting it float down you. You held your arms out by your side, asking Natasha non-verbally for coverage approval. She nodded and took your hand, before you left the room together. You join the rest of the team round the main counter, Natasha's hand glued to your waist.
"Oh my god, Y/N. Did they get your neck too yesterday ?"
Steve points at the marks below your jaw and above your collarbones, tossing you a tub of muscle balm.
You catch it, staring at him, not sure if this is sarcasm or sincerity.
The rest of the team laugh loudly, Sam bellowing while slapping his hand against the surface of the countertop. Steve sports a genuinely confused demeanour.
Natasha giggles, shaking her head and kissing your shoulder, eyeing her work on your neck.
"Oh." comes Steve.
"I want the balm back then please."
He's embarrassed by his misjudgement.
You're glad you can give the team a laugh, some entertainment, especially now - after the recent events and the uncertainty of what's to follow.
Vision slides you a bowl of oats from across the table, a small smiley face painted on with honey. You knew that everyone was only sucking up to you because of yesterday, though you decided to relish in the treatment anyways.
You retreat to a side bench to eat your meal, Natasha following, taking her place next to you. She watches you take each mouthful and you can tell she wants to say something.
"Go ahead please."
She purses her lips, screwing her eyes together.
"You know I can't let you out there if something happens today."
"And why is that, Nat ?"
She scoffs at you, mouth wide open.
"Are you joking ? You're a walking casualty right now."
You smile at her concern, taking another mouthful of oats.
"Who's stopping me ?" you reply, tapping her nose in a light hearted manner.
Just as she goes to respond, a deafening clatter comes from outside. The air whistles through gaps in the jet, as unnatural winds pass through. Vision crouches, pressing his palm to his forehead - more accurately, the mind stone.
You stand, leaving your oats on the bench behind you. The team don't speak, everyone shooting perplexed looks between one another, paired with twinges of fright as you hear the shouts of T'Challa faintly ring through the space. Steve exits the room, followed by the others, as Wanda perches next to an anguished Vision. You pull your t-shirt from its neck, over your head - removing it - before zipping up the front of your suit. Natasha grabs your arm, worry staining her face.
"I'm sorry, can't keep me away from this."
She sighs, nodding slowly, before kissing your forehead.
Vision stands as the team recoup, dressed in suitable attire.
"He's here."
Every set of eyes turn to Vision. Steve takes a moment before rushing towards the exit of the jet, pulling the lever.
"Wanda, take Vision to the forest. Keep him there till we say when."
She nods at Steve, before grabbing Vision's hand - her fingertips visibly shaking - leaving the vicinity. Bruce, who was previously stood in the shadows of a secluded corner, made himself known as he stepped into the exposure of daylight. He was groaning, neck twitching, as his fingertips began turning a shade of green. He made his way to Steve, gripping his shoulder.
"Is this a code green, Cap ?"
"This is definitely a code green."
With that, Bruce's body broke out in an encompassing green, overtaken by the Hulk, as he crashed through the entrance. The others followed, yourself and Natasha trailing behind due to your injury. You watched as Hulk hurled himself towards Thanos - who you noticed was already yielding the power, space, reality, soul and time stone.
"Oh god Nat."
You turned to her as you continued through the field.
"He has so many already...will Bruce be oka-"
Before you're able to verbalise your concern, you witness Thanos phase Bruce out in a coating of blue energy - continuing forward with ease. Fear overcomes you, as the power of his being finally settles. Steve follows suit, only to be blasted aside in a purple flash. One by one, the team is downed by Thanos as he advances across the field. You narrow in on his orientation, his direction appearing to be guided by the gauntlet parading his arm. Realising that he can find Vision due to the stone, you pull Natasha away as Bucky runs after you both, under the same awareness. You head for the forest, frantically searching for Wanda and Vision's whereabouts. As you dash round the thickets of bush and tree, you're met by Okoye who accompanies you. After minutes of panic-stricken scouting, you become painfully worried, only to be met with the faint sound of Vision's pleading voice. You run towards the indistinct noise, followed by Natasha, Bucky and Okoye who warn you of what might be ahead. Through the dense growth, you notice Wanda - agonised and tearful as she shoots red energy from her fingertips into the mind stone. You watched for a moment, your heart wrenching at the sight of Wanda's pain as well as the imminent death of a team mate and a friend. Heavy footsteps disrupt the setting, an all too familiar presence plaguing the landscape. You step out immediately, as Natasha goes to pull you back - missing your arm by inches.
"No, Y/N !"
Steve appears from the overgrowth, running alongside you. You know you can't take on Thanos alone. However, Steve can.
You push through the persistent ache of your sores and pass Steve, throwing yourself at Thanos. He catches you by your neck and holds you there for a moment as you claw at the gauntlet. He laughs grimly at your inferiority to him before throwing you aside. Natasha leaps out, running to your aid as he entraps her in a cage of rock. An opening in his focus allowed Steve to hone in on him. As he advanced, a flash of light struck as Groot made a re-appearance. In close combat, Steve temporarily managed to stall Thanos yet was quickly downed with a forceful punch to his head. In a last ditch attempt to slow him, Groot began restraining him within thick vines - which were easily shrugged off, leaving Wanda to defend Vision herself.
She held him back with a beam of energy as tears raced down her cheeks. He slowly proceeded, deflecting Wanda's fire with the power of the space stone. However, he was ultimately - too late. Wanda had destabilised the structure of the stone as it shattered, falling to the floor, alongside Vision.
Wanda, heartbroken, fell to her knees as Thanos towered over her.
"I sympathise with you, my dear."
He perches next to her as she wipes tears from her face.
"You know nothing of my pain." Wanda sneers at him, bitter with the aftertaste of loss.
"Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn"
He resumes his position, pushing Wanda aside forcefully, activating the time stone. He turns his wrist as the circular green symbol inverses time, reversing Vision's destruction. Lifting Vision by his throat, he rips the stone from his head - killing him a second time. He discarded of Vision's lifeless body, tossing him aside, before inserting the stone into the gauntlet.

The combined energies shot throughout Thanos, injecting him with power. He takes a moment to admire the gauntlet, having finally completed his work. In this moment, Thor hurls himself toward Thanos, breaching him in his moment of faltering focus. He is vengeful, driven by his need to avenge the death of Loki and all those that Thanos had murdered, driving him to the ground in the midst of a violent lightning blast. Regaining his balance, Thanos shoots an energy beam in Thor's direction and when ultimately overpowered by him, was left on his knees with Thor's stormbreaker buried deep in his chest.
Thor landed in front of Thanos, vengefully gloating as he reminded him that his promise had been kept - he was going to kill him. He drove the stormbreaker deeper into his body as Thanos gasped in torment.
"You should've gone for the head."
Thor looked up at him, realising his mistake as Thanos snapped his fingers.
Half of all the Universe's life - gone.

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