Old Friends

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"Hey wake up, darling. We're here."
Your eyes flutter open as you drift out of your slumber, waking up to Natasha's hand on your cheek ushering you to consciousness. She pulls you up out of the covers and hands you a catsuit.
"I wanted to give you something."
You rub your eyes, taking the suit from her as you come round.
"Funny you'd say that Natasha, because I wanna give you something too."
She smirks and bows down in front of you, supporting herself on your knees. You open the catsuit and notice that it replicates hers. Though, this one is white. You turn and lay it on the bed noticing that the belt strap has been replaced with your symbol as oppose to the widow Natasha sports. She stands next to you, already dressed in hers and you notice a new addition to the suit. Looking back at your own, you realise that the black widow symbol has been embroidered into the left chest. Checking Natasha's suit, you realise that your symbol has been embroidered on hers in the same position.
She bends over the bed, running her finger across the work.
"Next to the heart."
You feel your eyes well. Not with sorrow, but with heartfelt affection. You're not sure you've loved anyone this way and you know that you certainly never will.
You pull her into you and you collapse into the bed, tangled in one another - holding her there for as long as you are able.
She pats your shoulder, signalling for you to sit up.
"My turn" you speak into her mouth, pecking her lips.
You reach over her and grab a small box from your bag.
You pull out two metal rings. Like Natasha, you had thought of giving her a memory of you to carry round, considering the volatility of the situation, you wanted to ensure you could be with her anywhere she went. Wether it be physically or not.
"I'm not proposing before you get any ideas."
She giggled into your neck and pushed a stray red lock out of her face as she retreated.
"It's just so I'm always with you. Even if I'm not."
You pushed the ring onto her middle finger and spun it to reveal your symbol engraved on the front, before kissing her hand and sliding your own on next - which was flashed with the expected, black widow.
Natasha took your hand in her own, both rings touching one another and laid her forehead on your shoulder.
"Don't do anything stupid, whatever happens. Please, Y/N. You're not allowed to leave me."
You tilt your head forward to meet her eyes.

The sincere moment is interrupted by Sam pounding the door.
"Come on lovebirds ! We've got a yellow stone to smash !"
You share a laugh with Natasha before standing to remove your clothes and slip into gear.
"Loud and clear, Sam. Be out soon."
She rolls her eyes and kisses your bare stomach on her way to stand up - zipping your suit up and resting her hands on your shoulders.
"You stick by me if something happens."
You nod adamantly, not to reassure her but to reassure yourself.
You walk out hand in hand, facing the rest of the team as the door slides open. Steve is smiling at you both and Wanda grins before winking at Natasha. You imagine she helped her embroider the suits.
"You two are looking extra-coupley today my ladies."
Sam snaps his finger at you both before pulling a lever, opening the exit of the jet.
"Thanks, Samuel." you reply with a snicker.
He courtesy's before you and ushers you and Natasha out of the aircraft.

Inhaling the cool Wakandan air, you step off the ledge and take in the surroundings. It really was a beautiful place. Before you had a chance to ponder the picturesque setting, you are greeted by T'Challa who warns you that there may be a fight on the way, as it has become known that the Wakandan's are housing the Avengers. Now faced with the prospect of further danger, the team head hurriedly to Shuri, who confirms that yes, she can remove the stone. However, it will take time.
Vision lays on the table, holding Wanda's hand as he awaits Shuri's assistance.
"Wanda, you stay." Steve speaks behind her.
"Be ready to destroy it. We don't know what's coming."
Just as Shuri begins the extraction, drop ships descend outside Wakanda's protective dome. You feel Natasha squeeze your hand as the team walk towards the window, watching as armies of Outriders charge towards the land - followed by the unfortunately familiar, Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian.
T'Challa calls upon the rest of the fighters as the team leave Wanda alone with Vision and Shuri. You run alongside Natasha, who periodically turns to you - examining your face, looking for signs of fear.
You stand in line alongside the others, in a pack - hundreds lined up behind you. Natasha pulls her baton's from back and snaps them out as you ready your knives. She remains next to you. Never leaving your side.
You ready yourself, watching the Outriders clamber in your direction. Initially, they throw themselves at the protective dome blindly - huge numbers of them perishing in the energy, few passing through.
You let out a sigh, and Natasha immediately turns to face you. Despite your best efforts, terror sweeps your expression. She opens her mouth, going to speak before you interrupt her.
"It's okay."
She doesn't look away.
"You're with me, Nat. I'm fine."
You nod with adamant reassurance as she turns from you slowly.
"They're moving round us, guys. We gotta let them in."
Bruce gestures towards the growing number of Outriders plaguing the circular shape of the dome- threatening to ambush you.
"Okay. On my order." T'Challa shouts commands throughout the field, as a small opening is exposed in the surrounding dome of Wakanda. The Outriders flood in by the hundred, the upcoming land soon infested with the creature.
Steve runs first. Followed by T'Challa, Bucky just steps behind. Natasha inhales deeply before mirroring their footsteps, you following adjacent her. Just paces down the field, you are met with Outriders - who attack you fiercely, clawing at you and leaping from every angle. Between kills, you keep your eye on Natasha, as she does to you. However, you notice she is distracted and find that she is scoping the whereabouts of Midnight.
"Natasha, go !"
You call out to her as she beats back the next of many Outriders. She shakes her head at you, before turning her back again to kill off yet another.
"Nat, I'll be okay. Please go."
She hesitates for a moment, watching as you kill off Outrider after Outrider, seemingly without breaking a sweat.
She quickly nods before striding off.
"I'm coming back, Y/N."
You take quick glimpses off her running off, hoping to keep your eye on her whereabouts.
After numerous other Outriders bear their attack on you, ache starts to settle in your muscles ; fatigue in your chest and weakness in your bones. Their onset seems never ending. You once again, spin, looking for Natasha to find that she has disappeared, blended with the crowd of allies and foes that scatter the field. Outrider after outrider, continuously batter you, as you notice Bucky and Steve are also mobbed by the seemingly never ending pack of creatures. You call out to them, holding your arm out as the numbers overwhelm you, tearing through your suit - slashing your back. Blood seeps through the white shreds of your gear as you feel the sting of the air against your wounds.

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